Speak to Me

I usually troll the internet for an image to accompany my posts. Today, my search revealed this little gem, which is one of the wackiest ideas I’ve encountered of late. Pink Floyd lullabies. Who knew?

I spent an hour this morning in the office of the editor of the community newspaper. When I found out about my Edgar nomination, I fired off a quick press release. I’m not proud. The editor used to work for the regional section of the Houston Chronicle and he interviewed me five years ago for The Road to the Dark Tower. He’s an avid reader and a big mystery fan, so he was impressed by my news. Not sure when the article will appear — perhaps next Thursday — or what the focus will be beyond the award nomination. We covered a lot of territory in the hour. He told me at the end that some of his interviews were grueling (for him) but this one was thoroughly enjoyable.

In addition to some local coverage, I also came away from the interview with an idea for the story I’ve been planning to write. I need to do a lot more research, but something he said in passing hooked me up to a true crime story that sounds perfect for my tale. I love it when that happens.It was a passing comment on his part while he was telling me about a new bookstore in the area. I don’t think I heard everything he wanted to tell me about this cool store, so fascinated was I by the murder he mentioned. If you’re ever talking to a writer and it seems like all of a sudden they aren’t there with you any more, chances are that they’ve been struck by a bolt of inspiration.

I did another interview for a guy who’s a member of the Jazma Online community. It was posted on their forum today. There’s supposed to be some photos/graphics accompanying it–those will probably appear in due course. In the meantime, my meandering thoughts on various subjects are all there for you to peruse.

A lackluster night of television. Only Criminal Minds, and I didn’t find that one of their better efforts. I liked JJ’s story a lot, but the whole idea that some anonymous person could virtually brainwash so many people into playing this dangerous game didn’t work for me.

I’m reading The Night Monster by James Swain, a book I received through the Amazon Vine program last year but am just getting around to now. I have quite a few problems with the novel, which I will go into in more detail when I review it. A lot has to do with actions that don’t seem credible to me. Would the father of a daughter who has just been kidnapped go to her team’s basketball game the next day, for example? And why must the author make the cops such dunderheads? Surely there’s someone with a badge who isn’t a buffoon. Is a guy 6′ 10″ / 300 lbs such a rarity that people would think a person is crazy for describing his assailant that way?

Burn Notice is back tonight with a Cagney and Lacey reunion. After two nights of nothing at all on TV, Thursdays make up for it. The DVR is going to have to do double duty.

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