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News items, interviews and reviews

Campbellton Tribune -- that's the city in New Brunswick where I was born, and about 15 miles from where I lived until I went to university.


  • Interview in The Big Thrill, the International Thriller Writers newsletter.
  • My storytellers unplugged essay about the process of working on this book: Location, Location, Location
  • Interesting read there Bev. Glad to hear you ended up at 132, very respectable I would say. :)
  • Here's an interview I did for Jazma Online
  • Here's an interview I did with the local newspaper after my Edgar nomination was announced.

    There's one mis-statement, either a slip on my part or a transcription error. The paragraph that says:

    King, who has a notorious “distaste for the concept of people writing about his work,” according to Vincent, granted access to his personal archives for the project.

    Should read

    King, who has a notorious “distaste for the concept of people writing about his life,” according to Vincent, granted access to his personal archives for the project.
  • Another interview inspired by my Edgar nomination. -- this one even has a picture of me at my writing desk!

  • A round-table discussion with Stoker nominees about being nominated. Except we weren't around a table. Or discussing! 2 questions round - 2009 Bram Stoker Awards nominees
  • I'm to be interviewed on radio station KLVT as part of the build up to the Edgar Award ceremonies. Stay tuned for details.
  • Look forward to Part 2!
  • A great interview!

  • Thanks -- it was fun revisiting the days working on those projects.
  • A nice little blog review in a post about coffee table books.

    I love Stephen King, as you are all painfully aware. Reading this book made my fascination with him even more acute. Bev Vincent has included photos I’ve never seen before, replica manuscript pages that reside in pockets throughout the book, anecdotes about writing various novels, and more Stephen King content than you could possibly need (but probably want). I flip through this book once a week or so, and every time, I find something I didn’t know about King.
  • Herbert West's review:

    Je n'avais lu que de bonnes choses de ce livre, mais n'avait pas pris la peine de l'acheter jusqu'à il y a quelques mois. J'ai enfin pu le lire, le dévorer je dois dire, et c'est un très bon livre.

    Ecrit par nulle autre que Bev Vincent, un ami de longue date de STEPHEN KING, essayiste et spécialiste sur STEPHEN KING, ce livre se présageait de bonne augure.

    Bev Vincent n'est autre que l'auteur de THE ROAD TO THE DARK TOWER, un ouvrage fortement acclamé par les fans de l'univers de LA TOUR SOMBRE, et acclamé par STEPHEN KING lui même.

    Ce nouvel ouvrage ne déroge pas à la règle. Il a été validé par STEPHEN KING, a été nominé aux Bram Stocker Awards 2009, ce n'est pas peu dire.

    L'intérêt de ce livre réside principalement dans la forme. Bev Vincent explore la vie de STEPHEN KING dans une sorte de biographie qu'il a essayé de faire non redondant avec ce qui a déjà été publié (et finalement il s'en sort en nous apprenant beaucoup), le livre possède un design intéressant et original, et surtout est illustré par de nombreuses photos, mais surtout par de nombreuses reproductions de memorabilia : extraits de manuscrits, extraits de premier jets, lettre écrite à 14 ans, de premières publications, une nouvelle inédite : the 43rd Dream dont seule 1 exemplaire connu existe, la 1e nouvelle publiée par Stephen King...au sujet de quelques livres de l'auteur.

    En effet, tous les livres n'ont pas pu êtres couverts, et Bev Vincent explore des "périodes" et livres majeurs dans l'oeuvre de l'auteur.

    Ce livre est au final une bonne approche pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas l'oeuvre de STEPHEN KING, mais également une véritable pièce collector pour les collectionneurs, car reproduit de nombreuses pièces inédites et uniques.

    Si vous le pouvez, courrez vous le procurer. Ce n'est pas évident malheureusement (j'ai du le faire livrer chez un collectionneur qui me l'a ensuite fait suivre), mais cela vaut le coup.

    Malheureusement, amazon.com ne veut pas le livrer hors USA pour une raison inconnue. Il est donc difficile de le récupérer, mais prochainement Barnes & Nobles va le réimprimer.
  • English translation, please?

  • Google sez:

    I had only read good things from this book, but had not bothered to buy it until a few months ago. I finally could read it, devour it I must say, and it is a very good book.

    Written by none other than Bev Vincent, a longtime friend of STEPHEN KING, essayist and expert on STEPHEN KING, this book presaged a good omen.

    Bev Vincent is none other than the author of THE ROAD TO THE DARK TOWER, a book highly praised by fans of the world of DARK TOWER, and acclaimed by STEPHEN KING himself.

    This new book is no exception to the rule. It has been validated by STEPHEN KING, was nominated for Bram Stoker Awards 2009, this is saying.

    The interest of this book lies mainly in the form. Bev Vincent explores the life of STEPHEN KING in a kind of biography that he tried to make non-redundant with what has already been published (and finally he is doing in teaching us a lot), the book has an interesting design and original, and above is illustrated with many photos, but also by numerous reproductions of memorabilia: excerpts of manuscripts, excerpts from the first jet, a letter written to 14 years, first publications, a new novel: the 43rd Dream which only one copy are known, the first story published by Stephen King ... about some books of the author.

    Indeed, all the books have not been covered beings, and Bev Vincent explores "periods" and major books in the author's work.

    This book is ultimately a good approach for those who do not know the work of STEPHEN KING, but also a genuine collector's piece for collectors, reproduced as many original pieces and unique.

    If you can, run to get it. It is not clear, unfortunately (I had to do deliver to a collector who gave me then forwards), but it's worth.

    Unfortunately, amazon.com does not deliver outside the U.S. for an unknown reason. It is therefore difficult to recover, but will soon Barnes & Noble reprint.
  • Thanks, Bev. And a great review!

  • http://noondaystars.blogspot.com/2011/06/stephen-king-illustrated-companion.html

    The Stephen King Illustrated Companion

    Like any celebrity, literary or otherwise, Stephen King has been the subject of much non-fiction: critical volumes, collections of interviews, unauthorized biography, even an art book.  Much of this material inevitably reprints the same basic information, and is of little value to the reader interested in new content and new insight.  The Stephen King Illustrated Companion is a happy exception.  As the title suggests, its visuals are the highlight, including rare photos of the author throughout his life, images of people and places associated with his fiction, and reproductions of manuscript, typescript, and proof pages of his work.  But the text by Bev Vincent that accompanies these fascinating ephemera is well-written, focusing on a few selected books to highlight the relationship between King's life and art.  The basics of his biography will be familiar to constant readers, but Vincent's well-footnoted research has dug up a range of anecdotes and details at least a few of which are likely to be unknown.  The Stephen King Illustrated Companion is an unusually in-depth, well-designed coffee table volume, to be recommended above all but a few books on its famous subject.
  • Well deserved. It's a fantastic, one of a kind book.
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