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(DT67 SPOILERS)My thoughts on where this is going

edited June 2004 in Dark Tower
This is going to have spoilers from both SOS and the synopsis for DT 7:

-First and foremost, I think we will get back to Eddie and Roland.  We will follow their journey to Turtleback lane as they attempt to cross over to, I believe, NY 1999.  I think we might meet some walk-ins, and find they are either characters from SK stories intruding on the "real" world, or maybe just displaced wanderers from other worlds.  Eddie and ROland will crossover and head to the Dixie Pig.  I'm thinking they might have to finish off old double ugly before they cross back over, howver.

-Jake and Callahan and Oy will have their shootout.  I think Callahan dies, but I think that turtle helps keep Jake alive somehow.  I just don't think jake will die again at this point in the story.  Captured and taken as a breaker maybe?  I don't know, but I do know he is important- King sent a message to him and has taken great pains to show how he is becoming a gunslinger himself.  I think Jake shines in this battle.  I'm thinking Oy plays some role here as well, but whether he lives or dies I'm not sure.  I'm thinking that bumbler's death has been foreshadowed enough to the point where he almost has to die.

-Susannah and Mia were talking about escape, and that has got me thinking that Mia will get away with Mordred and attempt to raise him herself in another world (probably gets away through a door in the dogan or some such).  Without legs though, I don't think Suze will have much of a chance to escape hereself.  I think she dies here, but I think Jake arrives in time to prevent her from becoming Low-men special of the week.

-Roland and Eddie will obviously arrive too late to save Suze and this will of course flip Eddie out.  Commence mourning, then on to business.  Two things need to happen- Roland needs to reach the tower and the Tet corporation business needs to be followed through.  I see Jake and Eddie heading back to multiple NY whens to complete that business while Roland moves on towards the tower.  Roland moving on alone is hinted at in the synopsis of book 7.  Jake and Eddie will face the low men, mobsters, etc. while Roland will reach Algul Siento and End-world.  

-Patrick from Insomnia has to make his entrance at some point, and I'm thinking Jake and Eddie are the two men he saves.

-John Collum's business will be resolved

-Roland will do whatever it is he has to do to reach the tower (find that last ally in other words).  What or who this is I have no guesses at this time.  It will be a surprise no doubt.  He will face taheens, low men, muties etc. and perhaps discover that mordred is after him.

-we'll learn a little bit about how mordred is raised

-sooner or later, the importance of jericho hill will be revealed.  I think that will be the only bit of backstory, along with some revelations about how Roland came to be on Walter's trail and what happened to him while he followed Walter.

-Tet corporation established and rose saved, Eddie and Jake will move on to End-world to meet Roland at the tower. I think Eddie and Jake will combine their powers to open the way to the tower- eddie's a keymaker and jake has the touch.

-I have it in my head that Roland will actually die, with Mordred killing him.  I think he will defeat the ageless stranger, but I think Jake will kill Mordred, or maybe even Eddie.  I think Jake and Eddie ascend the tower and discover whatever lays there.

-The identity of the crimson king will be a shocker I think.

-I think the tower in end world is a mechanical construct the GOOs created to replace the magical tower.  I think this construct will have to fall to restore the prim, which I think is Jake's ultimate job.

-I think in the end, all existance will be saved and the prim restored.  I'm thinking either the ka-tet (minus Roland) gets rewarded by ending up in some world where they live happily ever after, or Jake perhaps ends up founding a new line of gunslingers.

-An alternate take on all this is that they all die, Roland reaches the tower, discovers what he discovers there and is sent back to the start-hence the loop theory and resumption.  Maybe he has to keep going at this quest for the tower to stand.

-B13 will be crushed in the 9/11 attacks

-Tower's link to Roland will be revealed

-i think we will find out why Roland wandered all those years and never found mid-world- it wasn't there because King hadn't written it in yet!  I think Roland's path in the revised book 1 is the same path he travels in book 3, and I think the speaking rings are the same, but the landscape has changed.

Thanks for taking the time to read my rambling thoughts.  I'm trying to map out a logical progression for the last book based on Dt6.


  • Lots of food for thought there!

  • Do we think he's going to do a whole lord of the rings thing (Roland as Frodo)? In the cover pic, there are 3 faces of either dead or stone like people (his Ka-Tet??) in the field. The review states Mordred plays more of a role than you'd expect as he is following Roland, not much different than Gollum. that's if King decides to go in that direction. I'd sure hope he wouldn't kill any of them off though!
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