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TWEETS from the Twitsters

edited June 2020 in Free for all
I don't twit twat.  I don't really even go there unless someone directs me to something.  But probably once a month I'll go check out Stephen King's twitter feed to see what he's yakking about. 

I recently saw he posted a picture of a mouse in a flower.  I've seen that photo passed around here and there. Adorable. 

 But what was particularly interesting to me about this, a few twits later, he posts a photograph of a very crunchy, petrified and deformed looking mouse/mole thing -- on a stick which is the tail. 

Now, some of you may say that snoozy little mouse in the flower couldn't possibly be the same mouse.  But, at the very least, I think it was related, a possible 4th cousin.  Naw, it was the same damn mouse!   ;)

This is the garden that Stephen built.
This is the flower that lay in the garden that Stephen built.
This is the mouse that snoozed in the flower
That lay in the garden that Stephen built.
This is the body
of the tired mouse
that once snoozed in the flower
that lay in the garden
that mysteriously died some horrible death
and ended up on a stick
as a stiff and crackly mouse
in the hands of a man that 
Donald and Nellie built.

What fun Twitsters do you follow?


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