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Which are your Go-To Books??

I read a lot. But sometimes you just feel like not reading a new book. You read a book you already read and know well just because you like it so much. Perhaps because it makes you feel good or some other reason. I call these books Go-To Books. Do you books like that? In that case: what books are they? I'll start. I wont mention any King books for thats a given.
When i'm down and need a laugh i always return to P.G.Wodehouses Jeeves and Wooster stories or novels and to Jerome K. Jeromes Three Men In A Boat. They always make me laugh so i have to stop reading. There are several mysteries by Christie, Sayers and Carr i return to just to admire the way they are written. The only more modern mystery i can remember that i reread several times is The Secret Place by Tana French. There are Tolkien and the several of the Narnia Books. Also Asimovs Robot short stories, especially the ones featuring the female robo-psychiatrist that are great. Some SF of Heinlein like Stranger in a strange land, Double Star, Revolt in 2100, Tunnel in the Sky and Methusalems Children. Richard Adams amazing Watership Down, Diana Gabaldons Outlander (first book), Jean Auels Clan of The Cave Bear, Janice Brooks Guests of the Emperor, Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Montgomery, Ronja The Robbers Daughter by Astrid Lindgren, 1632 by Eric Flint. These books feel, to me, so comfy to reread that it doesn't matter that all of them are not masterpieces. Some of them certainly arent. They are friends waiting for me in the bookshelf when i need them. They bring me up when i'm down, they make me go on reading when i'm lethargic and make me feel safe. I know exact whats gonna happen but i read anyway. Do you have books like that? Which are they? If you feel like it please tell me. It would be interesting.


  • ....nicely done Kurb!......my focus has narrowed so much across the years-it would have to be something from King...and probably The Stand, the novel that brought me to his world and sustains me when I've needed it across the intervening decades....it's certainly not the subject matter that gives me a lift or my heart new hope, but the friendships and pure unadulterated love that comes out in the body of the story.....
  • edited January 2021

    Well, the ones that immediately come into my head are:

    first one is a kid’s book.  Harriet the Spy.  I love this book and read it periodically.  Lots of lessons to learn from it and i need reminded every now and then.

    hands down, my most revisited book is also an sk.  
    On Writing. 

    I’ll check my book journal for more rereads as i do indicate those in my record keeping.  
  • The ones I've reread more than any other would be these,

    KurbenFlakeNoirHedda GablerGNTLGNTNeesy
  • edited January 2021
    One I've kept going back to is Children's Hospital by, Peggy Abderson. It follows the true life stories of 6 children and it is both heartbreaking and beautiful.  So much courage in these kids and their families. 

    I'm definitely a SK re-reader to sorry Kurben. The Talisman, The Stand and the DT series are my most frequent. 

    Raymond E Feist has a series called The Riftwar Saga, it starts out with a book called Magician. I love this series and re-read the first few over and over.

    Tad Williams has a couple series I absolutely adored and went back to again and again. 
    The first is called Memory, Sorrow and Thorn.
    The second is called The Otherland series. We used to get the new book in this series every Christmas and would go on holiday camping with my BiL and SIL and our kids and the adults would all be lying around in the shade reading the same book while the little kids napped. 
    NotaroKurbenHedda GablerGNTLGNTNeesy
  • Yep, checked my reading journal and On Writing is my most re read book with 7 reads.  The last being in 2010, so i might just be due for a reread. 

    I saw The Talisman and Harriet the Spy next with 3 and the Harry Potter series coming in at 2. 

  • Yep, checked my reading journal and On Writing is my most re read book with 7 reads.  The last being in 2010, so i might just be due for a reread. 

    I saw The Talisman and Harriet the Spy next with 3 and the Harry Potter series coming in at 2. 

    I feel that being very advanced. A reading journal. Don't even know who many times i have reread IT? Many enough that it in the end fell into pieces and i had to buy a new ex. Now that i think about i know that i read Wouks Winds of War at least 3 times. And the two Verne classics The Children of Captain Grant and The Mysterious Island must be at least 4 times each. 
    I think i lack the discipline to have an accurate reading journal. How far back does it go? Further than 2010? Just asking because i'm in awe....
  • 1995
    WOW!! Absolutely gobsmacked. I'll bow to you....
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNTNeesy
  • Kurben said:
    WOW!! Absolutely gobsmacked. I'll bow to you....
    No way! You are the king with the crown when it comes to sheer volume
  • AGREE!!!!!!!
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