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The Dead of Night - Dissonant Harmonies II

My story for DHII is "The Dead of Night," a sequel to "The Dead of Winter" that takes place a couple of years after the events of that novella.

I've had the opening scene rattling around in my head for a long time, but I finally put pen to paper (literally) on October 1 and wrote about 1000 words every day until I reached the end on October 29. A total of 109 handwritten pages plus lots of notes and insertions and reminders on the verso pages (I wrote only on the recto side of each page in the Moleskine notebook).

I started dictating the manuscript into Word a few days ago and have about 10,000 words transcribed and proofed (only to clean up typos and mis-transcriptions). Now comes the big job--major rewrite ahead!
GNTLGNTHedda Gabler


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