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Lisey will be published

edited January 2005 in General news
Stephen has finished the first draft of a new novel and has decided to publish it, but we don’t have a publication date. It’s unlikely it will be this year, though.


  • Yaaaaaaaaaaay! :D
  • Gee I hope I am not this busy when I retire! ;D
  • CRinVA wrote: Gee I hope I am not this busy when I retire!  ;D

    *Waves at Bob* Hi matey! :)
  • Hey Dukky - how's life across the pond. I am at home working today - taking care of Terri. Me thinks she is gonna take advantage of this situation! I know why I work long hours now - cuz I hates to cook, clean, run errands, do laundry, fold laundry, pick up kids, get kids to appts, blah, blah, blah! I need to go to work so I can rest!
  • Excellent news! I was hoping that brief (but good) excerpt in the last McSweeney's collection wasn't going to be the end of that story.

    I can't wait to see what direction King's writing takes post-Dark Tower. I imagine it'll be some of his best stuff, with that weight off of his shoulders at last.

  • Across the pond is very very windy matey. I am well, and today I bought a pair of Dr Marten's boots for £57.50 would you believe!! :o (needed them for work cause had to superglue my old pair to keep them together, lol)

    Make sure you tell terri that the house cleaning and stuff is merely a temporary thing and not to go expecting it too often ;D lol

  • That's some of the best news I've heard in a while! :D

    I can't wait until it's finally published! ;D

  • The working title at this time is Lisey’s Story and isn’t expected to change. It will probably be approximately in the 5 or 600 page length when it’s typeset.
  • Bev_Vincent wrote:

    Does typeset indicate book length, Bev?

    Can't wait for the new SK book :)
  • Yes, that's what she's talking about above. She's doing a rough conversion between manuscript pages and finished book (typeset) pages.
  • Bev_Vincent wrote: Yes, that's what she's talking about above. She's doing a rough conversion between manuscript pages and finished book (typeset) pages.


    The only thing better than a King book...is a long King book :)
  • Excellent, excellent news!

  • Indeed. Indeed.
  • "It will probably be approximately in the 5 or 600 page length when it’s typeset."

    Wow. I hope they go with 600 pages. It would be kinda hard to read, packing all those words onto 5 pages...

  • RJ_Sevin wrote: "It will probably be approximately in the 5 or 600 page length when it’s typeset."

    Wow. I hope they go with 600 pages. It would be kinda hard to read, packing all those words onto 5 pages...


    Maybe it would be five REALLY, REALLY BIG pages?


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