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Audio Tower

edited January 2005 in Dark Tower
How many of you have listen to or listen to the audio books of the Dark Tower.

I discovered The Dark Tower series by audio because in 1987 I couldnt stand reading. Ever since then I have been listening to them over and over and over and over and over again for over for 17 years. In other words I will start at the beginning with the Gunslinger and listen all the way through and then do it all over again. So I have been doing loops for 17 years with this story and now I have just started the entire loop all over again now that I have finished VII.

Anyway I love the audio books and my wife I can tell you hates them. I have been falling asleep to them for 17 years as well and my wife has been falling asleep to them for almost 10 and she hates me for that.


  • I have DT 1 - 6 on Audio CD and listen in the car during a long commute. I will get 7 when I can catch a good deal on ebay! I got 5 & 6 on ebay for about $12 each - still in the shrinkwrap.

    I love em in audio. I also have 1 - 4 on casette and they are well worn!

    In general I love audio books - currently listening to Harry potter on audio - I have all five. Just finished Dreamcatcher last week. I liked it better on audio than in written format.

    I do love to read, but have precious little time to do so!
  • I have the origional audio tapes of 1-4 when Stephen King himself actually read them. I liked it when he read it. However Frank Muller has the most awesome voice for Eldred Johnas. Its too bad he got messed up in his motorcycle accident and couldnt finish the series.

  • I thought those of you who listen to these books on tape might enjoy this post from the SK message board:

    I heard this rumor that subliminal self-help tapes and CDs are being created by alien races. I heard that the media contains a track that causes the listeners molecular structure to vibrate. Apparently, molecules in the center of the body mutate into a sort of embryo; this change is brought on by the frequency level of the vibrations, which are caused by the subliminal track. As the person continues to listen, they are encouraged to keep listening by other subliminal messages and all the while the alien embryo inside them is growing and feeling off the listener, who has unwittingly become their host. There are supposedly good subliminal messages within the media as well, which help the human host be the best form of sustenance they can possibly be. Eventually the embryo consumes the host’s vital organs and the host dies. Is there any truth to these rumors?

    Response from Moderator: If it is true, it isn’t something we have knowledge of.
  • They're hiding something. ;D That was amusing, but I just realized something when I was reading that ~ I've never been to the Stephen King Message Board!

  • If you like the DT books on CD you should try the Talisman and Black House on CD - they are truly part of the DT universe and are awesome on audio.
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