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Episode 4

edited June 2004 in General news
open Bev Vincent Episode 4 73

Author: Bev Vincent

This was one of my favorite episodes so far. Short on silly singing a la cop rock. It didn't have any outstanding moments but I came away with the feeling that the story is gearing up to take off really soon.

I watched it on video this morning after taping it last night and I saw the whole thing in less than 40 minutes. The commercials are killing this series, in my opinion. The gaps between programming are almost as long as the acts themselves.

Author: newinside

I agree completely about the commercials. I have had to tape two of the first 4 episodes and am considered just doing that for all of them now. It isn't so much the length of the breaks that drive me crazy but the fact that it seems like they happen every five minutes.

Oh, and thanks for reminding me of cop rock. Worst show ever.

Author: Bev Vincent

The old guy who played the in-home patient last night -- at first I thought it was the actor who played Darnell in Christine. Then I realized that actor would have to be older than god...

Did I spot a blooper -- when the nurse called the hospital, did she use a cell phone or a cordless? It looked like a cell to me, but if it was, there's no way they could do a traceback to get the address. Perhaps it was just a cool looking cordless.

Andrew McCarthy will be on Prime Time -- or is it 20/20? -- on Monday; ABC 10 p.m. / 9 Central

Author: newinside

At the time I thought it was a cordless, though I must admit to not giving it too much thought.

Author: BoSoxKing

Dr. Stegman has always been kind of a creep but he is turning into a real jerk. The character everyone loves to hate. I wonder if he is going to turn into a truly evil villain or just an insensitive pr!ck.

Author: Bev Vincent

As described in The Journals, he is a brilliant surgeon but one whose ego takes over and he overextends himself to the breaking point, where he starts making major mistakes.

I liked his two scenes this week, the one where he's talking to himself and the one where he confronts the jobless guys. I don't think he's evil, but I think he's more than insensitive.

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