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edited June 2005 in Short Stories
According to their web site, Here & Now #7 will be out in July. This issue contains my story Eliza, which was first accepted for Winedark Sea #2 back in 1999. (Issue #1 of that magazine came out in early 2000 and then they folded up shop!)

I started the story back in the 1980s and finished it in 1999. Haven't read it in years to see how it stands up, but I am fond of the tale.

Apparently Shocklines will start stocking the magazine soon.


  • Eliza's long road to publication seems finally to have reached its end! Here and Now #7 is apparently shipping at the moment. The story is now a little dated in terms of its technology, but I hope you'll check it out all the same...it was first conceived in the days of the Radio Shack computer, updated to the internet era but, had I the chance to revise it again, would need to address the WiFi and DVD technology that emerged since then.
  • I received a copy of Here and Now last night. Reread Eliza and was pleased to see that it wasn't as dated in its technology as I'd earlier feared. I like the story, and wish it was available at present to a wider readership.
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