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Kingdom Hospital -- in pieces

edited July 2005 in General news
A few weeks ago Sony gave us word that Stephen King's Kingdom Hospital would get a single-DVD release on Sept. 6th, an item that was later identified as "Vol. 1: The Beginning" (initially announced at $24.95 SRP, but later corrected to $19.94 SRP). Now Sony Pictures Home Entertainment is filling us in on what comes after The Beginning.

Sept. 27th sees the 2-DVD release of Stephen King Presents Kingdom Hospital - Vol. 2: Making the Rounds. Like the first volume, it will go for $19.94 SRP...even though it has twice as many discs and presumably about 4 or 5 episodes based on the 247 minute running time. We'll bring you further details, along with cover art, later on in our release listing for this package, so stay tuned.


  • Kingdom Hospital - The Split-Up of Stephen King's Show Concludes with a Post Mortem

    Within recent weeks we've informed you that Sony Pictures Home Entertainment had decided to split up the Stephen King series Kingdom Hospital - already having been released on DVD in a "complete series" box set - into several smaller releases that would allow consumers to pick up each volume in smaller bites. The first volume, The Beginning, arrives on Sept. 6th. The second volume, Making The Rounds, arrives on Sept. 27th. This morning Sony will announce the October 11th release of Stephen King Presents Kingdom Hospital - Vol. 3: Post Mortem.
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