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A prediction for 2006

edited January 2006 in General news
Novelist Stephen King will move to New York City and begin writing an advice column titled "Ask Stephen King for Surprisingly Non-Creepy Advice" for the online magazine Salon.com. His first question will be from "Heartbroken in Hoboken" and will ask, "Dear Mr. King, I recently found out that my wife has been cheating on me with our next door neighbor. I confronted her, and she promised to stop the affair, and has, but I'm not sure I can ever trust her again. I don't want to throw away our 30 years of marriage, but I don't know how to move forward. Can you help?"

King will reply: "Dear Heartbroken, You probably expect me to say something creepy, like how you should kill your wife, bury her in the nearby corpse-revivifying cemetery, send her soulless but living corpse next door to re-commence the affair with your neighbor and then, when they're in a state of post-orgasmic bliss, kill them both. But what I'm actually going to say, without a hint of creepiness, is this: The first step in rebuilding your marriage on a foundation of trust is to move somewhere else, ideally to another city. You can't live next door to the man with whom she betrayed you and expect to shift the focus away from where it (understandably) is now--on what went on between the two of them--to where it needs to be, which is on what's going on between the two of you. Also, once you've moved, you may want to try counseling. It sounds as if the marriage is worth saving, but don't expect that it will recover quickly."

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