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Then why do I feel so bad?

edited June 2004 in Dark Tower
I feel like a traitor for even mentioning this but....though i DID like SoS and though I had a hard time putting it down. I did not like it as much as i thougth i would.I have mentioned this to several of my friends and they feel the same: It was as if he was rushing through it. There was not nearly the detail that marks theprevious ones. The little things that make it a King book. The rambling. Perhaps it is just me, but i still believe waste Lands to be the best written one. He gave it suspense without sacrificing the detail


  • I get what you mean, Ford, but I have to disagree. It is definitely faster, and King spends less time worrying about the little details that usually splatter his books, but I think it fits this part of the story. Everybody in SoS realises that time is speeding up, running out. The only real back stories we get is Mia's story, which is supposed to take time, and King's story, in which they keep checking the time. The novel is very speed orientated, because it has to be. If they had continually stopped to talk about Jericho Hill or anything, I for one would have been "Shut up! I don't care! Tell me later, save Susannah!" I'm sure that DT7 will have more time for the details you crave, although I have no idea how it's all going to get wrapped up in 700 pages.
  • There was not nearly the detail that marks theprevious ones. The little things that make it a King book. The rambling.

    I kind of have to laugh when I read this because I usually grumble ABOUT too much detail and ABOUT rambling... ;D The flow of SoS was part of it's appeal for me, it was very smooth, never really bogged down in unnecessary detail (well, that's a subjective thing, some people love it, I don't).

    I don't think you should feel like a traitor though, I have always been honest in my feelings about DTIV which I won't discuss here because I'll feel like a traitor. ;)

  • Yeah.....uhh...no. Maybe its just your perspective thats got you all twisted up inside. You have to understand, the Dark Tower is ready to fall. We do not have much time left. I loved how that feeling of urgency was transferred from the book to myself. At times my breath came short. I dunno, maybe I'm just weird. But anyhoo, yeah like I said before. There isn't much time left and with the way the book is written, thats just how King wants you to feel. I mean comon, there's only one book left...

    p.s. I just want to say that wherever I go, however I end up, I will always keep Roland Deschain of Gilead in my heart of hearts.
  • Very insightful Guest Konrad! Why not register as a tRttDT Board member and continue to share your thoughts with us?
  • I don't think that there is anything wrong with saying that you didn't like the book as much as you thought you would or that you liked the other ones.

    Clearly, most people here will love the book, but we don't _have_ to. I am really looking forward to book 7 and the end of the series. I fully expect it to be the best book yet. However, the possibility exists that it could really suck. If that is the case, I would say so and not feel bad about saying it.

    We aren't obligated to love all things DT.
  • Also, I agree with CRinVA. Konrad should register and join in the fun. :)
  • I believe that the fact there were only 2 books left(now one) should not effect how the writing style is done. Yes the sense of urgency is there but all of the quirks and subtle witticisms aren't. And that is what i like about his books. He is so focused on getting it out and done( i believe) that he lost some of his style. the characters dont seem to be nearly as real to me because of that. Almost shadows of what they were before.

    And regardless of anyone elses opinion, i believe i have some valid points
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