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Dead Zone Season 5 Thoughts

edited July 2007 in General news
The Dead Zone in Canada usually runs a year behind and the scheduling is not conducive to viewing so I opted to go the DVD boxset route the last few years.

Overall Season 5, which is ostensibly the second half of Season 4 as the USA Network just held back those episodes, is the weakest of the bunch.  The stand alone episodes are not up to quality of previous years.  The arc episodes were good but were too few.  The first two and last two episodes were top notch but the episodes in between sagged badly.

Producing double their normal season run undoubtedly had an impact on the serie's quality.  Going into Season 6 I find my enthusiasm dimming for the first time, especially in light of the changes in the show direction.  

Still miss the old theme song too.  :-[
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