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The Reploids, A DT Story??

edited August 2004 in Dark Tower
Been rereading this anthology called Night Visions 5 a.k.a. The Skin Trade which I haven't touched in a long time, out of sheer boredom.  ;D

SK has three stories in it: two of them (Sneakers and Dedication) were collected in Nightmares & Dreamscapes in slightly revised versions and this one, The Reploids which as far as I know was not collected. Is this one meant to be a DT related story??

It sure as hell gave me that idea, more so after rereading it at this time when both WotC and SoS has been released and we are awaiting DT7: the implied idea of a man from a U.S. which is subtly different from the U.S. of our 'when'.

The different one dollar bill with it's blue color, the words CURRENCY OF GOVERNMENT instead of FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES and the picture of James Madison certainly predates Father Callahan's strange adventures as recounted in WotC. One drawback though is that the story seemed unfinished, as though it is meant as a prologue to a longer story, perhaps part of the seven DT books but didn't come to fruit??  

Anyone read this story before and any comments??  :)


  • I always got the impression that it was DT related, but the feeling's ultimately will rest with each reader.

    One of those "Hidden highway's of America" :)
  • I know I used to have that paperback - now I'm going to have to frantically dig around when I get home to see if I still do. I'd forgotten about "The Reploids" - probably haven't read it since that book first came out.

  • have not heard of the story. how can i find it?
  • It's in the anthology listed in Sunny's top post, which has different names for the hardcover and paperback releases.
  • And it's not all SK. There's Dan Simmons and G.R.R. Martin too!

    Btw Bev, is Johnny Carson the one at the top of the Dark Tower? ;D ;D
  • Carnac would know the answer...
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