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  • Notaro said:
    Went with an old favourite over the weekend, Ravenous got absolutely no love upon it's release,  I saw it in a near empty cinema, but it's a cracking movie, dark humour, terrific cast and great performances. Recommended....

    Neal McDonough was in that.  He's in Legends of Tomorrow and I hate him. bwhahaohaohaa.  
  • Notaro said:
    Went with an old favourite over the weekend, Ravenous got absolutely no love upon it's release,  I saw it in a near empty cinema, but it's a cracking movie, dark humour, terrific cast and great performances. Recommended....

    Neal McDonough was in that.  He's in Legends of Tomorrow and I hate him. bwhahaohaohaa.  
    I can't argue with that😀
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoircatGNTLGNT
  • edited August 2020

    I watch Legends with my kid and every damn season, here's Neal.  I'm just sitting there and ugh! (haven't hit exclamation point quota for the day so I am using it), and ask my kid, "do we get a new villain, soon?"
  • Never saw Legends, superhero stuff? 
  • Notaro said:
    Never saw Legends, superhero stuff? 
  • You still might enjoy Ravenous Hedda, McDonough has a nasty demise in it, that should make you happy😁
  • Notaro said:
    You still might enjoy Ravenous Hedda, McDonough has a nasty demise in it, that should make you happy😁
    Ohhh,  there is a God.   ;)
  • Notaro said:
    Pretty good, I liked this adaptation much better than Mercy which was released a few years ago. 

    This kid did a pretty good job since the camera follows him.  He had so many bits of business that he had to keep juggling.  
  • I'm watching "The Hitman's Bodyguard". Has anybody seen this?
    (The hardware store scene? :D :D :D )

    NotaroHedda GablerGNTLGNTNeesy
  • FlakeNoir said:
    I'm watching "The Hitman's Bodyguard". Has anybody seen this?
    (The hardware store scene? :D :D :D )

    Yes Flakes, I thought it was pretty funny, Jackson and Reynolds have chemistry together, plenty of good laughs. 
    FlakeNoirHedda GablerGNTLGNT
  • Notaro said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    I'm watching "The Hitman's Bodyguard". Has anybody seen this?
    (The hardware store scene? :D :D :D )

    Yes Flakes, I thought it was pretty funny, Jackson and Reynolds have chemistry together, plenty of good laughs. 
    It was hilarious, I just absolutely lost it with that fight with all the hardware stuff... and yeah there were so many belly laugh moments. Very well done. 
    Hedda GablerGNTLGNT
  • edited August 2020
    I've been eyeing a story on Netflix called The Legacy of the Bones.  In reading about it, it's the second entry in a trilogy, the first being The Invisible Guardian.

    So, I sat down and watched this Spanish entry, The Invisible Guardian.

    This was good.  The story was interesting and just beautiful camera work, fantasic imagery.  There is a scene involving flour that was just unbelievable and the following scene as the flour dusted off the person as they ran across this beautiful bridge at night. I loved this bit of visual.

    Anyway, starting The Legacy of the Bones now.  And once again, I encourage you to watch it with subtitles and let the people speak in their native tongue.  I clicked on English just to see what it sounded like, horrible!  I don't know how anybody could watch a foreign film and get it dubbed in English.  Horrible sounding.  Fingernails on a chalkboard to my ears.  I love to hear the language it was filmed in and I will read subtitles.

  •  Offering to the Storm. this was the third in the Baztan Trilogy.  I enjoyed this whole group of movies.
  • Watched this again earlier, always gets me a tad upset knowing he died shortly after....

    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesy
  • Notaro said:
    Watched this again earlier, always gets me a tad upset knowing he died shortly after....

    ...he was such an interesting gentleman to hear reminisce and his voice was one, as a broadcaster myself, I always envied.....
    NotaroFlakeNoirHedda GablerNeesy
  • We watched the Korean movie "Parasite" - Korean with English subtitles

    It had a few good laughs but turned quite dramatic near the end

    This one won the Oscar for Best Picture

    Andy wasn't as impressed as me - he called it "predictable"

    Has anyone else seen it yet?

    NotaroHedda GablerFlakeNoirspideymanGNTLGNT
  • We liked it -- it made us think...who were the parasites? Multiple answers to that question!
    NeesyHedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNT
  • We liked it -- it made us think...who were the parasites? Multiple answers to that question!

    I liked it too - my husband is a bit of a dour personality (I got that word from the Scottish language) but underneath I think he is a softy

    Maybe I will watch it again by myself without any distractions - it was hard to read a few of the subtitles due to the colours in the background

    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirNotarospideymanGNTLGNT
  • I thought it was a great movie.
  • I watched A Dog's Purpose this morning. Sequel to A Dog's Life. Tearjerker. In a good way though. 

     It made me ugly/happy cry at the very end. The Rainbow Bridge was there and I just thought it was beautiful. 

    FlakeNoirNotarospideymanHedda GablerGNTLGNT
  • I'm watching Mortal Engines excellent movie, lots of action and a good story too.  
    NotarospideymancatHedda GablerGNTLGNTNeesy
  • edited August 2020
    Neesy said:
    We liked it -- it made us think...who were the parasites? Multiple answers to that question!

    I liked it too - my husband is a bit of a dour personality (I got that word from the Scottish language) but underneath I think he is a softy

    Maybe I will watch it again by myself without any distractions - it was hard to read a few of the subtitles due to the colours in the background

    ....he is a Scottish man..."dour" runs through the veins......and he is quite nice when he gets past that....
    Hedda GablerNeesyFlakeNoir
  • Rewatching this, The Woman In Black: Angel Of Death, with my daughter, a decent follow up to the 2012 hit.

  • edited August 2020
    Notaro said:
    Rewatching this, The Woman In Black: Angel Of Death, with my daughter, a decent follow up to the 2012 hit.

    Is the first one the one with Daniel Radcliffe? If so, i was  hugely disappointed In it. 

     A term kicked around but very much true here, the first one was very atmospheric. The settings and props more intriguing to me than the characters, story or plot.  I was hyper focused on the look of the film.

    This part 2 looks so much more interesting. Halfway through the trailer is the song from The innocents sung by Pamela Franklin.
  • The first one did have Daniel Radcliffe, I really loved it because it surprised me, and it sacred the bejesus out of my wife and daughter, when we watch movies together I get more enjoyment out of their reactions that the film itself 😀,. I recommend the original 1989 version Hedda, it was a made for TV movie but it has plenty going for it.

    Here it is in two parts, 

    GNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesyspideyman
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