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Stephen King Rules (2022)

#StephenKingRules doesn’t party without special guests! Announcing the one and only @BevVincent 
He’ll be sitting down with our crew on Sunday, August 21 at 4PM CT to talk about his new book and all things
@StephenKing Stay tuned for more great announcements! 

Hedda GablerNotaroKurbenGNTLGNTnot_nadineFlakeNoir


  • Reminder, Barker Street Cinema on youtube will be doing dollar babies starting friday, i think 4 CT. 
  • This was incredibly fun last time, I hope to see as many as possible. Thanks for the heads-up guys. 
    BevVincentGNTLGNTHedda Gabler
  • edited August 2022
    In preparation for 2022, i listened to your interview from last time. Again. 

    I think it’s terrible that we cannot see your Stephen King Gotham Cafe. You say it’s due to music use lapse .  In today’s world, why can’t a sound engineer go in and lay new, usable music? So many people were involved in this creative endeavor— screwed over. 

    And the audience, so many people wanting to see it. I just don’t believe something can’t be done. 
  • edited August 2022
    I am ready. Errands run. Chores done. Food in crockpot, easy access. Snacks lined up. Went potty. Have 4 drinks next to me. Anticipate more potty. Pajamas on. 

    Note to family: Don’t fuck with me. 
  • Do we have a countdown screen? 
  • edited August 2022
    Okay, in the right place. Who is the artist for the placeholder screens? Artist love, man.  Come on!

    Great images. Appears to be same style as last year. So, assuming same artist? 

  • Up first, The Boogeyman. Love Panda Films art. Some of these are repeats — “legacy” dollar babies.  I think this is one of them. I hope there are more new ones. 
  • Very Nosferatu. 🙂
  • Okay, they traumatized that kid. Wth. That wasn’t acting. 
  • #2 - Mute. 
    Lead actor did great. 
  • #3 — Restare — based on Rest stop

    i need to read this story again . 
  • #4 — The Jaunt

    another good job.
  • edited August 2022
    #5 — Dedication 
    #6 — One For the Road

    well done. I hate Dedication.  So disgusting. 😄 but the adaptation was good. 
  • edited August 2022
    Okay. I absolutely appreciate being able to see these, but so unprofessional and disrespectful to this director, Vanessa Ionta Wright, of Rainy Season, ( which would have been a great film if it wouldn’t have kept freezing. Like many of the other films.)  this echo is awful!  

    I completely understand problems happen, but this has been bad from the beginning. 

    They sit on a couch in a cave so we listen to poor quality right out of the gate. The films are freezing over and over again and these people make movies, yes? Get a sound technician. Get a film tech person who knows what they are doing. Do it right or don’t do it at all. 

    What if Stephen King was watching these films?  Of course he would be gracious and kind, but he’s tapping out. And maybe won’t allow this in the future. So damn disappointing. 

    Bring Vanessa back for a good interview.  I can just imagine these directors, actors, crews, friends and family being heartbroken at what is happening to their babies! 

    I’m going to hang in their for all the hard work the dollar baby people have put into this.  Get your shit together Barker Street. Embarrassing and disrespectful. 

  • Bring Ming back for a professional quality interview. 

  • edited August 2022
    Did you buy russian bootleg films? Do you know how to run your equipment?  Hmmmm, might be time to actually invest in skilled technicians. 

    If Stephen is watching this, he might not allow it to ever happen again. So unprofessional and disrespectful to all the people working on these films. I bet many of them are having viewing parties just to watch their films lock up and then listen to lame apologies — giggle giggle, sorry “glitch”, giggle giggle.  

    My heart is broken for all these creators. Is this your best, Barker Street? You stand behind this mess? You are proud of what you did tonight?   No excuse. 

  • edited August 2022
    So.  We're on the last film.  Survivor Type.  It's great.  The actor did great. Another legacy dollar baby from last year.  All of the films tonight were just fun and well done.  Kudos to all the hard workers.  

    Apparently, they have to leave the venue they are at because it is closing, so we won't get the last two interviewees.  More apologies. 

    There are less than 200 people watching.  Their excuse is they don't have a captive audience like they did at the height of COVID.  No, my friends.  People aren't watching because it sucks.  The only film I think that played without stutters, glitches, pauses, UNINTENTIONAL black outs, out of synch voice to mouths, freezes was The Doctors Case.  A Barker Street film.  Their film.  I thinnnnnnkkk it ran smooth.  And by the way, it is a fantastic, beautiful dollar baby.  Great adaptation, very slick looking. Another legacy baby.

    I am just so damn disappointed in what they did to these other films.  And laugh about it. 

    These little dollar babies mean something to all the people who worked on them.  This could've been a possible break into the business.  A screenwriter, an actor, a director, a cinematography, a set designer, lighting etc... told a connection, "Hey, I have a Stephen King Dollar Baby playing, please give it a watch."  Stephen King you say? That's a name that carries clout.  Okay, I'll watch says movie business person.

     I bet someone involved in some way with these films is trying to break into the business.  And maybe by networking their ass off, they got someone important to tune in.  But guess what, five freezes, 20 stutters, a black screen, a skip and jump,  lips moving and no sound until seconds later -- they are done.  It doesn't mean they blame the person's work, they might be very aware that Barker Street messed up, but, in the film industry, time is money.  It's like a slush pile.  You have to grab them and hold them.  Barker Street did a huge disservice to these creative people.  Huge.  

    Just put yourself in their shoes.  If you worked for months on something and someone else just ruined it, how would that make you feel?  Wonder if your kid worked really hard on something that they were super proud of, and some fucknuts botched it?  That still cool? Feel like giggling?  Like laughing?  LIke saying, oh darny, sorry we messed up?

    They have excuses.  And people are giving them excuses.  "Gosh, we wouldn't have gotten to see them at all, so we should be grateful for what we do see."  That's like saying, okay, you just knit that beautiful sweater that took you months and I'm gonna cut a whole in it.  You can still wear it, right?  Nope.  It all unravels.  Just like these films.  They unraveled them.  If you aren't going to treat people and their creations with respect, don't do it at all.  I hope Stephen never lets them do it again.  

    I bet you couldn't guess, but I'm riled up.   :D.  

    Oh, and I will tune in tomorrow to see if they learned anything.  One. Damn. Thing.  Because, I am supporting the creators.  Not the Keystone cops bumbling around being dismissive and unprofessional.  I keep going back to that word, that that just sums them up.  If I was in the business, I might not work with them because obviously they don't really care about the quality of what they put out.  In this case.  It's boggling to think these are the same people who made The Doctor's Case.  It's not adding up.  

  • *hole, not whole. 

  • In addition to the 200 online, there's a live audience.
    GNTLGNTHedda Gabler
  • ...well riled......errr, said Deej......if we can get clear pics from deep space, it's time to buck up your delivery system Baker Street....
    Hedda GablerKurben
  • In addition to the 200 online, there's a live audience.
    Yes. I think that was the problem. Last year they were organized and focused. They still had fun and all the laughs, but they had a format. 

    This year, it started rough and turned into, I’m 13 and mom and dad are out of town. 

     I gave them the benefit of the doubt starting out, but as the day wore on into the night, the problems became more frequent and grew in severity.  I wouldn’t be surprised if today when the festival starts, the camera goes live on a group of middle aged people laying in vomit (not necessarily their own) with magic markered dicks on their faces. 

    I hope today there is contrition and redemption. 
    So let it be written, so let it be done. 😄
  • edited August 2022
    GNTLGNT said:
    ...well riled......errr, said Deej......if we can get clear pics from deep space, it's time to buck up your delivery system Baker Street....
    Problems happen, but you figure it out fast and correct it. A guy in chat kept trying to tell them how to fix their interview problem. Numerous posts telling them what they were doing and how to correct it.  And yes, someone was monitoring the chat that could have passed on the information. 

    The interviewees all had horrible echo.  That was one thing they could have fixed quickly.  The rest of the film issues, I don’t know what was happening. But they shouldn’t have happened to the degree they did. 

    If they got sponsored by anyone or anything, I’d want my money back.  I wouldn’t want my brand associated with anything they did yesterday. 

    now I’m just curious if today they learned or continue to make excuses.  With Stephen king’s name attached, i would have done everything in my power to be impressive. I would have made sure no matter what the film was shot with and what tech was used (phone camera to the slickest equipment) I would have done my homework to make sure I showcased it in the best possible way. 

  • edited August 2022
    Here is a tweet they put out. 

    Some? Some? How about you fix them all. And something glaringly missing — a heartfelt apology to the people who contributed in any way to the films.  Classy. 

    In front of the camera, in charge of tech — bring your A game today, okay? Act like a professional.  

    Okay, I’ll give it a rest. 🤣  
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