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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)

I went grocery shopping, past the post office, had the car emission tested, filled it up with gas, took it through the car wash, watered my crops and flowers and sh*t myself -- not in that order.

 ;)  :D


  • Still homebound due to covid in FL. Watered plants, cleaned up the house, doing laundry (daily chore with critters) and ready to dive into the latest Chet and Bernie book. 
    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTcatFlakeNoirNotaroSusanNorton
  • How is Florida doing during all this?  Are they trying to do better?
  • How is Florida doing during all this?  Are they trying to do better?
    Can't find the word to describe the situation--- think The Stand. No mandatory statewide mask order. Many feel it is nothing.  Hospitals on east coast south are almost full up. Using storage rooms for beds. Some counties are trying- mine has mask order, but not enforced!
  • spideyman said:
    How is Florida doing during all this?  Are they trying to do better?
    Can't find the word to describe the situation--- think The Stand. No mandatory statewide mask order. Many feel it is nothing.  Hospitals on east coast south are almost full up. Using storage rooms for beds. Some counties are trying- mine has mask order, but not enforced!
    Stay safe kid.  We just have to do our best to protect ourselves.  I worry about everyone who is trying to make it to the other side of this despite covidiots.
  • Had to go to the post office to deliver a package in person to the teller (international shipment). I usually go in the off hours, but this time I couldn't do that. One of the few times since March I've been in the presence of anyone other than my wife. Good social distancing and everyone had on masks, except for one of the two USPS tellers. Fortunately, I got the other one.
    Hedda GablerspideymanGNTLGNTcatFlakeNoirNotarodoyoulove19
  • I went grocery shopping, past the post office, had the car emission tested, filled it up with gas, took it through the car wash, watered my crops and flowers and sh*t myself -- not in that order.

     ;)  :D
    ...had a completely "piss me the "f" off" day at work and wanted to beat the sh*t out of someone, but my pants are still pristine.....
    catHedda GablerFlakeNoirspideymanNotarodoyoulove19
  • Today has been busy, I slept late which never happens. Then oldest son texted about a family bbq we have been trying to set up since Father's Day. Doing it tonight. So ran to the store to get stuff and then home, was going to do chores. Scott had to go renew his drivers license and wanted me to go so I went. Home again. Then Scott remembered he needed charcoal so out we went again. One stop for bricks, another stop for wood chips and yet another for booze. 

    Now it is 2:30 and I still have dishes to do! Sigh. 


    Interesting tidbit I overheard at the dmv... a guy was in there trying to set it up or whatever you have to do to get an interlock device on his vehicle because of a DUI and the lady told him he should wait because he hadn't been to trial yet. He said he was going to be found not guilty and sounded confident about it but she said it wouldn't matter. They give the interlock orders out on the citation now, not the conviction. 

    Seems not exactly right to me but guess maybe it is supposed to be another deterrent to getting behind the wheel after drinking. 

    Anyway, it is one little room and I was not eavesdropping on purpose, but it is hard not to overhear things in there. Neither of them were trying to be discreet. 

    Guess I will go clean my kitchen up now.  :p
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoirspideymanNotarodoyoulove19
  • Have fun but don't drive. I don't want to hear that DMV story with you or your family sitting in that little room.
      :D ;)

  • Oh no, not me. Staying right in my back yard. 
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirspideymanNotaroGNTLGNT
  • My kids are here! Have to go for now. ❤
    spideymanHedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNT
  • Just chillin' with a cup of tea before starting work.
    FlakeNoirHedda GablerspideymancatGNTLGNT
  • Having a wonderful morning so far, standing down windows which have been splattered with spray on insulation foam😡.  Apparently I'm not allowed to hit the guy who sprayed the foam all over them. 😬
  • edited July 2020
    Notaro said:
    Having a wonderful morning so far, standing down windows which have been splattered with spray on insulation foam😡.  Apparently I'm not allowed to hit the guy who sprayed the foam all over them. 😬
    Would a paint-remover heat gun work? You could accidentally point at him with it... like up close and really personal.  :o
    NotaroHedda GablerspideymancatGNTLGNTdoyoulove19
  • The problem is the windows are pre-finished, they're not meant to be painted at all, this guy has ruined countless windows over the years, it's left to muggins here to sand them and coat them up so they look respectable again. I wouldn't trust myself with a heat gun near him Flakes, the temptation to shove it where the sun don't shine would be overwhelming. 
    FlakeNoirHedda GablerspideymancatGNTLGNTdoyoulove19
  • Notaro said:
    The problem is the windows are pre-finished, they're not meant to be painted at all, this guy has ruined countless windows over the years, it's left to muggins here to sand them and coat them up so they look respectable again. I wouldn't trust myself with a heat gun near him Flakes, the temptation to shove it where the sun don't shine would be overwhelming. 
    Has anyone pointed out to him what he's doing? It sounds really frustrating... :/ 
    NotaroHedda GablerspideymancatGNTLGNT
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Notaro said:
    The problem is the windows are pre-finished, they're not meant to be painted at all, this guy has ruined countless windows over the years, it's left to muggins here to sand them and coat them up so they look respectable again. I wouldn't trust myself with a heat gun near him Flakes, the temptation to shove it where the sun don't shine would be overwhelming. 
    Has anyone pointed out to him what he's doing? It sounds really frustrating... :/ 
    I approached him about it, I kept it civil, he apologised,  absolutely nothing changed, he kept doing it. I reported him to the foremen on the site, nothing changed.  Frustrating is putting it mildly Flakes🤬
    Hedda GablerspideymanFlakeNoircatGNTLGNT
  • Maybe you could put post-it notes on the windows reminding him when he is due in to do his thing. Then he couldn't claim he forgot.

    Also, if you talked to the foremen again but in terms of dollars and cents and sense.  It is not cost effective to be using you to re-do something that shouldn't have to be done.  It's costing money by using your time unwisely.  Unless of course they are trying to pad the job with inefficiency to milk more money out of the project.  

    Does the longer the job take, the more money the company gets?  So, to them, they may be getting more money even though they have to pay you more money.  They are still making a profit????
  • Notaro said:
    Having a wonderful morning so far, standing down windows which have been splattered with spray on insulation foam😡.  Apparently I'm not allowed to hit the guy who sprayed the foam all over them. 😬
    May his home windows need to be sprayed with insulation foam!Turnabout fair play?
    FlakeNoircatGNTLGNTHedda Gabler
  • Maybe you could put post-it notes on the windows reminding him when he is due in to do his thing. Then he couldn't claim he forgot.

    Also, if you talked to the foremen again but in terms of dollars and cents and sense.  It is not cost effective to be using you to re-do something that shouldn't have to be done.  It's costing money by using your time unwisely.  Unless of course they are trying to pad the job with inefficiency to milk more money out of the project.  

    Does the longer the job take, the more money the company gets?  So, to them, they may be getting more money even though they have to pay you more money.  They are still making a profit????
    Believe me Hedda the little bast*rd isn't forgetting, he just doesn't care. Every trade works on price, they submit a price for doing their job and if accepted then that's the sum total that they get, so if I submit a price to paint a house for...let's say two thousand euro, if I paint the house in a week I get two grand, if it takes me two weeks I still only get two grand, so it's the old adage of time is money, he won't cover up the windows in a house properly because it would probably take a couple of hours to do so and that's a couple of hours off his spraying time, so far he's gotten away with it,  until they impose a financial penalty on him he'll just keep doing it. It's costing my boss money having me fix up the windows but they don't seem to care, if they deducted the cost of me fixing the windows from his money I daresay he'd make an effort to keep the windows clean.
    spideymanHedda GablerFlakeNoircat
  • I'm going to be calling someone about my washing machine.  It sounds like a 747 taking off during the spin cycle.  If something is going out, I want it taken care of now before it's totally broke.

    "In case of emergency, oxygen masks will drop down in front of you.  Please pull the mask down toward your face and place the mask over your mouth and nose.  If you are traveling with a child, put them in the washer drum during the spin and tell them they are at Disneyland on the teacup ride."

  • If the machine isn't level Hedda it can throw the spin cycle off and it will make a god awful racket.
    Hedda GablerspideymanFlakeNoircatGNTLGNT
  • Notaro said:
    If the machine isn't level Hedda it can throw the spin cycle off and it will make a god awful racket.
    Nope, not a level issue.  It's spinning nice and smooth, just loud.  It could be a belt or bearings or just needs greased up or or or.  I looked it up and it can be about 321 billion other things.  sigh.  
  • cat said:
    Today has been busy, I slept late which never happens. Then oldest son texted about a family bbq we have been trying to set up since Father's Day. Doing it tonight. So ran to the store to get stuff and then home, was going to do chores. Scott had to go renew his drivers license and wanted me to go so I went. Home again. Then Scott remembered he needed charcoal so out we went again. One stop for bricks, another stop for wood chips and yet another for booze. 

    Now it is 2:30 and I still have dishes to do! Sigh. 


    Interesting tidbit I overheard at the dmv... a guy was in there trying to set it up or whatever you have to do to get an interlock device on his vehicle because of a DUI and the lady told him he should wait because he hadn't been to trial yet. He said he was going to be found not guilty and sounded confident about it but she said it wouldn't matter. They give the interlock orders out on the citation now, not the conviction. 

    Seems not exactly right to me but guess maybe it is supposed to be another deterrent to getting behind the wheel after drinking. 

    Anyway, it is one little room and I was not eavesdropping on purpose, but it is hard not to overhear things in there. Neither of them were trying to be discreet. 

    Guess I will go clean my kitchen up now.  :p
    How'd the party go?  What yummies did you have?
  • That's the thing, these repair guys have people over a barrel, they can literally say whatever they like is wrong and you've no way of disputing it.
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirspideymancatGNTLGNT
  • Notaro said:
    That's the thing, these repair guys have people over a barrel, they can literally say whatever they like is wrong and you've no way of disputing it.
    exactly.  I'm pretty bummed.

    It's so discouraging when a person gets 3 nickels ahead and the universe says, "oh wow!  She's got 3 nickels extra.  Let's break something that costs 4 nickels."
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