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Ka-tet Cantina 2020



  • Pay attention to the directions.  Being VERY stereotypical here, but if you're like every other man I know, you don't want to follow instructions.


    Patience is what assembling things calls for and I'm more than willing to admit that is NOT my strong suit...lol. I don't mind following directions when assembling things but it seems like the directions are consistently unclear and ambiguous on things like that. Tam, on the other hand, is better than having a maintenance person around the house, so I'll probably try and recruit her for that project...lol
  • ghost19 said:
    Pay attention to the directions.  Being VERY stereotypical here, but if you're like every other man I know, you don't want to follow instructions.


    Patience is what assembling things calls for and I'm more than willing to admit that is NOT my strong suit...lol. I don't mind following directions when assembling things but it seems like the directions are consistently unclear and ambiguous on things like that. Tam, on the other hand, is better than having a maintenance person around the house, so I'll probably try and recruit her for that project...lol
    So, did you get the grill assembled?  And what yummy stuff did you barbecue?
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ...the state just approved some hazard pay for us....will amount to about 3 bucks and hour...better than nothing, but won't amount to crap if I end up dying from this.....I know, I'm just a little ray of sunshine......
    Hope the sun is shining on your face and something is giving you a chuckle.
  • ghost19 said:
    Pay attention to the directions.  Being VERY stereotypical here, but if you're like every other man I know, you don't want to follow instructions.


    Patience is what assembling things calls for and I'm more than willing to admit that is NOT my strong suit...lol. I don't mind following directions when assembling things but it seems like the directions are consistently unclear and ambiguous on things like that. Tam, on the other hand, is better than having a maintenance person around the house, so I'll probably try and recruit her for that project...lol
    So, did you get the grill assembled?  And what yummy stuff did you barbecue?

    We just used the old one that still works pretty well. I only bought it about 2 years ago, but the one I won is MUCH nicer, all the bells and whistles, but the old one worked well. I cooked up a bunch of brats and burgers so we all had plenty to eat. The weather was nice on Saturday but sucked on Sunday so we had one of Aidan's friends over with his parents, we hid about 200 easter eggs for the two boys all over our back yard. They had a good time running around finding all of them so we had a pretty fun day Saturday. Rained all day and stormed on Sunday so it was mostly cat napping and snacking around day...lol
  • ghost19 said:
    Have a happy easter everyone.  Or a happy Sunday.  I watch two little boys and haven't seen them I think since early february????  too long.  I miss them so much.  I'm supposed to get a little video of them tomorrow.  I hope they don't forget.  They're probably all grown up with acne and teen angst by now.

    You do the same DJ, hope you have a good Easter in these strange days. Scott, I hope you and Tracy are doing ok sir and that you both have a good Easter day sir. I'm tempted to go the gun range and try out some new toys today since our cookout got washed out but I may just be lazy today and watch movies...lol
    ....currently mulling over my next "bang" toy.....and trying to figure out how to bogart some of that apple pie....
  • Pay attention to the directions.  Being VERY stereotypical here, but if you're like every other man I know, you don't want to follow instructions.

    ...wellllll, this IS Shannon we're talking about.....he'll probably fall over a precipice and into a den of syphilitic raccoons while looking for a screwdriver.....
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ghost19 said:
    Have a happy easter everyone.  Or a happy Sunday.  I watch two little boys and haven't seen them I think since early february????  too long.  I miss them so much.  I'm supposed to get a little video of them tomorrow.  I hope they don't forget.  They're probably all grown up with acne and teen angst by now.

    You do the same DJ, hope you have a good Easter in these strange days. Scott, I hope you and Tracy are doing ok sir and that you both have a good Easter day sir. I'm tempted to go the gun range and try out some new toys today since our cookout got washed out but I may just be lazy today and watch movies...lol
    ....currently mulling over my next "bang" toy.....and trying to figure out how to bogart some of that apple pie....

    I just got in a Springfield Armory XD45 Mod 2 4-inch. I'm in love....lol. Forgot how much I absolutely love shooting a .45 ACP.

    Springfield XD mod2 45ACP 4 service model review and size
    stock picture not mine, but that's the model. Smooth I'm here to tell ya sir.
  • ....dude I love me some .45 ACP!......I'm considering this:

    GLOCK 21 Gen4

    ...or, just because.......

    Raging Hunter™ Matte Black Oxide from Taurus

  • GNTLGNT said:
    ....dude I love me some .45 ACP!......I'm considering this:

    GLOCK 21 Gen4

    ...or, just because.......

    Raging Hunter™ Matte Black Oxide from Taurus

    I swear we're long lost cousins or something...I actually have a Glock 21, Gen 3, that I've had for years. I would NOT get rid of that handgun for anything, it's bomb proof. It's been in the gun closet for a lot of years, but I just can't get rid of it. I love that Taurus, I have a S&W 686 ,357 Mag that is the acme of menacing looking...lol. I dont' shoot it much, but it's fun to go out and plink with.
  • ....yeppur, Glock's ain't pretty-but then again, they were made to do a job and do it well...I've always been favorably impressed by Taurus's reliability, fit and finish.....
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ....yeppur, Glock's ain't pretty-but then again, they were made to do a job and do it well...I've always been favorably impressed by Taurus's reliability, fit and finish.....

    Absolutely true. I bought a Taurus G2C 9mm a few months ago and it goes bang every time. A little small for my oversized mitts but I bought some extended mags and that solved the problem. This is first Taurus I've had and I'm definitely impressed so far with it. Plus, it was only $239.99!!! Can't beat that deal for a name brand name 9mm anywhere.
  • Just hanging out.  No big meal as I would be the only one eating it.  So, I had a can of soup.  

    "No soup for you!"

    Oh wait....
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Just hanging out.  No big meal as I would be the only one eating it.  So, I had a can of soup.  

    "No soup for you!"

    Oh wait....
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Pay attention to the directions.  Being VERY stereotypical here, but if you're like every other man I know, you don't want to follow instructions.

    ...wellllll, this IS Shannon we're talking about.....he'll probably fall over a precipice and into a den of syphilitic raccoons while looking for a screwdriver.....

    GNTLGNT said:
    Pay attention to the directions.  Being VERY stereotypical here, but if you're like every other man I know, you don't want to follow instructions.

    ...wellllll, this IS Shannon we're talking about.....he'll probably fall over a precipice and into a den of syphilitic raccoons while looking for a screwdriver.....

    ROTFLMAO, it would be funnier if it wasn't a distinct possibility...lol
  • Good morning, and Happy Friday! 

    I need to do catch up housework today. But hoping it goes fairly quickly. Putting a roast in the crock pot for supper. Yum. 

    Hope you have a great day! Big hugs and positive vibes to all!  <3
  • cat said:
    Good morning, and Happy Friday! 

    I need to do catch up housework today. But hoping it goes fairly quickly. Putting a roast in the crock pot for supper. Yum. 

    Hope you have a great day! Big hugs and positive vibes to all!  <3
    GNTLGNT said:
    7 Reasons Why You Need More Hugs Backed By Science
  • Hope everyone has a good day, stay safe and be well. 
  • You do the same Notaro!  
  • Where is ghost?  I am getting very concerned about him.

  • Where is ghost?  I am getting very concerned about him.

    ...probably fell off of something.....
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Where is ghost?  I am getting very concerned about him.

    ...probably fell off of something.....
    bwohaeheroiaherha!  Yes, He probably did.  I bet he tried to clean his gutters.  He got a new tool to help him do that, but he probably whacked himself in the head and, ghost go to ground.
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Where is ghost?  I am getting very concerned about him.

    ...probably fell off of something.....
    bwohaeheroiaherha!  Yes, He probably did.  I bet he tried to clean his gutters.  He got a new tool to help him do that, but he probably whacked himself in the head and, ghost go to ground.
    ....the raccoon mafia is currently working up some nefarious plan involving trash bins and stale cookies.....
  • The raccoons are probably plotting against his wife right now, because once she showed up, the buffet stopped.  
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