Dark Delicacies

I just noticed that the lineup for this Saturday’s mass signing at Dark Delicacies is on their events page. This is in conjunction with the Stoker Award weekend. Clive Barker may also be in attendance at various times, perhaps at the signing, and the Horror Channel is going to film. I hope those of you reading this out on the left coast will drop by and see us at Dark Delicacies!

Watched Hitchcock’s Suspicion last night, his first film with Cary Grant, also starring Joan Fontaine. It’s an amazing bit of storytelling because he narrows the perspective so that the viewer interprets everything through Fontaine’s character’s point of view. You inherit her suspicions, her paranoia. The most subtle indication of that for me was the very final shot. After a very claustrophobic, high-speed (60 mph!) drive along a narrow, narrow shore road, Fontaine gets her shocking revelation. She and Grant get back in the car and the car turns around on this road that now looks as wide as a football field.

I’m reading Umberto Eco’s The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana. A very imaginitive work that deals with memory and how what we have experienced prepares us for the future. The main character has had some kind of brain incident that has robbed him of all emotional and experiential memory. He doesn’t know anything about himself, doesn’t remember what mustard tastes like or what it is like to run his hand along the bark of a tree. What he does remember is every word of every book he ever read, and he read prodigiously. It’s a clever bit of writing and philosophy. I’m looking forward to seeing how he carries it off.

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