Let’s talk about the election

No, not that election, the Canadian election. What Canadian election, you may well ask? The one that will reportedly be called by the end of the coming weekend. Oh, no, I hear you all moaning. Not another long, protracted campaign. No, indeed. The reports indicate that the election, if called this week, would take place on October 14th, almost a full month before the US elections. We don’t mess around north of the border. Molasses may run slowly in the cold, but politics doesn’t.

One report says that the current government holds the record for the longest minority government in Canada’s history, but I’m not sure that’s true. At the other end of the spectrum, the shortest was a mere 177 days.

Mad Men is interesting. The primary character, Don Draper, is becoming less and less likable all the time, and yet the show is still reasonably compelling. This week, when he told his wife she looked desperate in her nice new yellow swimsuit, you could just see all the life drain from her. The thing is, he knows he’s not a good person—the scene where his young daughter beamed at him with pride when he stood with the others to be acknowledged as a war hero knowing full well that he was a coward was very well written, because it left it up to the audience to put everything we know about him together in that moment. Most of the characters are cads and bastards in one way or another. Still like the show, though.

This morning, I recorded a 60-second commentary to go along with the reprint Halloween anthology Wrong World is releasing in early October. The authors were encouraged to contribute something on audio that recounted Halloween memories. One minute isn’t much, but I wrote the script last night and when I recorded it, it came in at 63, so I made a pretty decent estimate. I also started working on a couple of book reviews that are due at the end of the month. I have three in total to write in the next three weeks.

Sad to see Renny go on Big Brother last night. It didn’t really matter much who won HoH, because the real power will lie in the PoV contest. The sumo wrestler in the living room was an interesting twist. It’s getting down to the wire. Just a little over a week left to go before one of the remaining four wins a half million dollars.

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