A Chill in the Air

Not really—it’s nearly 80°, but it’s supposed to go down to near-freezing tonight and there could be ice storms a couple of dozen miles north of us.

Instead of finishing off Chapter 8 of the book in progress, I did my preparatory reading for Chapter 9 last night and wrote about 1/3 of it this morning. Getting down to the wire.

They don’t pull any punches on 24, do they? It wasn’t quite as bad as a nuclear bomb going off in L.A., but still. I’m not convinced that the president’s chief advisor is one of the people who is corrupted—I think they’re trying very hard to make us believe that, though. The new FBI agent gets credit for the obvious line of the episode. “What do you think, Jack? You shot me and buried me alive?” Chloe gets the sarcasm line of the episode for “No, I’m a stay at home mom.” Good to see her out in the field. And why do the bad guys never try out their paralytics in advance? I’m just saying.

I thought last night’s House was one of the best this season, and it looks like next week’s will be even better.

I started The Mystic Arts of Erasing All Signs of Death by Charlie Huston last night. I didn’t get very far in, but I’m looking forward to reading the rest of it. The style is a little off-putting, especially the way dialog is handled. There are no quotation marks, only dashes, which is okay, but there also aren’t any dialog attributes, which can get a little confusing and required me to back track a couple of times to figure out who was speaking.

I received an e-mail from Knopf today announcing John Updike’s death. I haven’t read a lot of his books, but I really wasn’t all that impressed by one of his most recent. You can read my review of Terrorist at the link.

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