
Kindling My Cemetery Dance chapbook The Good, The Bad and The Ugly: 8 Secondary Characters from The Dark Tower Series is now available in an electronic edition for the Kindle, iPhones and iTouches, the latter provided you have the free app to handle Kindle editions. The chapbook was previously only available as a giveaway with certain Cemetery Dance purchases. This makes the content available to a new group of people. Alas, it isn’t signed like the chapbook was, through I will write all over the screen of your Kindle if you want to send it to me.

Received very good news yesterday. The book I’m working on, which will be out in November, includes a lot of secondary material that required permission. The publisher has been waiting to hear back from the owner of the content for a few weeks, and finally heard yesterday that it has all been approved. That means that the current version of the book is very close to the way it will appear finally. I’ll be getting the second pass proofs on Saturday to pore over and then it should be a lock. With the permissions now firmly in place, I feel more comfortable about talking about the book in detail–but I won’t. Not quite yet. Soon, though. I promise.

This is just too funny not to pass along. A musical scene from Silence of the Lambs in Lego. Not for those with sensitive ears.

The clip show of Lost was a major disappointment last night. While it may have firmly established certain details a few people are quibbling over, there was nothing new–not even the “new perspective” promised in the promos. I did many other things while it was on.

I’m starting to make headway on the short story I need to finish by the end of the month. I thought I was blocked with regards to the plot, but once I started writing this morning, lo and behold words and story started to emerge. Funny how that happens.

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