What a difference a year makes

Surfside after IkeI revised my Storytellers Unplugged essay this morning and posted it on the dashboard to appear in the wee small hours of the morning this time next week. That day, September 17th, is also my 20th anniversary at my current job. Still less than half as long as my father worked for his employer, so I have a way to go yet.

I also transcribed the four pages I wrote while on vacation last weekend. 1100 words in total — not as many as I estimated. I now know that a handwritten foolscap page is about 250 words or so.

This time last year we were preparing for Hurricane Ike. Saturday is the anniversary of the storm. The photograph accompanying this post is from Surfside in the midst of the worst of things. We crossed over that bridge on the weekend while getting to our townhouse. There are a couple of sites where there were obviously buildings destroyed that weren’t rebuilt, and we saw the remains of a couple of grounded boats, but for the most part the area seems to have recovered fairly well from the devastation. The dunes are rebuilding and (through some botanical miracle) the plants are growing on them again. I have no idea how the grasses and vines get sustenance from sand, but they do. I wouldn’t have guessed that the community had suffered a category two strike a year ago.

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