Freezing in Grand Central Station

One of our Easter Lilies flowered this morning. We have several more that are fixin’ to in the coming days. The plants seem to get taller every year, despite the fact that they are competing for sunshine with a few azalea bushes and some vines that I wish I could get rid of. The one that bloomed today stands about three feet tall.

Robin Williams was the special sweeps guest on Law & Order: SVU this week. He played a character reminiscent of the guy from One Hour Photo. One neat aspect of the show was that they managed to tie in the famous performance art presentation at Grand Central Station where a bunch of people showed up and, at a pre-ordained moment, froze in place and freaked out the people who weren’t in on the joke. If you haven’t seen it, check out the YouTube video. It’s very cool.

Whenever I see the oddball villains on shows like Criminial Minds, I wonder if there are really people like them, people who are so traumatized that they completely disassociate. I know there must be, but it really boggles my mind that something like that can happen to people. I liked the JJ subplot last night, too, and the fact that all of her profile buddies knew the secret she was trying so hard to hide. Even Reid.

I have a sinking feeling that Charlie and his mother are being set up for a scam on Two and a Half Men. Charlie has just lent the daughter of his mother’s new husband $50 K, and his mother didn’t sign a prenup, supposedly because her new husband trusted her. But what if he’s really broke and is after her cash? Now she isn’t protected, either. I know, it’s deep thinking for a sitcom, but I wonder how this is going to play out.

Getting near the end of Dexter #1. The ice truck killer case has taken an interesting fork compared to the TV version. So, this is cool—in the next few days, I’ll be treated to two completely different resolutions to the same story, with the season finale on Sunday and the book finale probably today.

Book revisions proceed apace. I’m about 1/4 of the way through the manuscript.

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