Wrong Newman

Newman’s gone. No, not the one on the right, but the big one. Paul. The guy who’s been part of the life of anyone who has watched movies over the past fifty-some years. Titles too many to mention. Roles from Butch Cassidy to Judge Roy Bean to Buffalo Bill, and many fictional characters to boot. We have a bottle of his brand named spaghetti sauce all ready to go this evening in tribute.

I finally got to see the last six or eight minutes of the season finale of Eureka. A couple of surprises, one interesting, one possibly show-altering, though I expect they’ll come up with some way of resolving it when the show returns in the winter sometime.

The two hour premiere of Grey’s Anatomy had some interesting bits, but it didn’t exactly break much new ground. The characters are in the same state of perpetual dithering over the same old issues. The only new topic is the hospital’s ranking, and what that means in the coming episodes I have no idea. The “icicle” incident was pretty much a non-event as it didn’t really change anything for anyone, except for the way Christina interacted with the field doctor. The issue with Rose’s announcement, shown in the promos for the new season, was a fake-out of cheap proportions. The guest stars were the best part of the show. I do wonder where all that water is coming from in the preview for next week.

My review of the third Dexter novel, Dexter in the Dark, is now up. The third season of Dexter starts tomorrow night, and I have high hopes for it. The books, not so much.

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