Well, that’s done

NCIS was very good last night, with the Mission Impossible-esque caper and the flashback that showed why Ducky was as taken aback as he was by the discovery of the frozen body. The twist behind the mole’s motivation was a good one, though the question remains whether it’s true or another ploy. Glad to see them tackling the problem head on instead of putting it on the back burner for another few weeks.

The Mentalist was also interesting. Van Pelt (I can’t help think of Linus and Lucy when I hear that name) is a “true believer” in psychic phenomena, and yet she doesn’t insist that Patrick Jane has supernatural powers—not like the spiritualist did, at least. I latched onto the perp the minute she uttered the incriminating statement, so the rest of the episode was a bit of a let down, because Jane’s misdirection was obvious. Still, in the last moments they brought the show back to what it’s all about, even if his sudden attack of grief didn’t quite ring true to me.

I finished revising the ending of a short story that the editor of an upcoming anthology asked me to reconsider and sent it off this morning. I can never resist the temptation to fine tune everything, even the parts the editor was okay with. Sometimes its just a matter of where paragraphs are broken, or where a sentence appears in a paragraph, but a lot of it has to do with word choice. The ending is, in fact, more in line with what I originally intended when I wrote the story, but I went in a different direction with it, and I guess it wasn’t a very satisfactory conclusion since the editor told me that both he and his co-editor reached the same conclusion: Fine story, until the last two paragraphs. A lot more than the last two paragraphs was changed. I hope it wasn’t too much.

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