What were they fighting about again?

The problem with serialized shows that go on lengthy hiatuses is that it means the viewers have to remember what was going on before the break. What were Meredith and Christine bickering about? Was it still over the solo surgery thing? I’m beginning to care less and less for the show. I watched it with only one eyeball last night while reading. I still think the writers have missed many, many good chances to get rid of Denny. I thought they were finally going to do it last night, but no. Enough already.

It’s nearly 80° today. Know what that means? Yup, 34° tomorrow night. Our thermometers have turning into mercury jumping beans these past several weeks. It’s crazy, I tell you. Crazy.

My agent received the contract from the publisher for the project I (haven’t) been talking about lately. There will probably be a little bit of back and forth before it’s all hashed out, but the deal is close to being finalized. I’m still keeping mum about it, though. Working at it morning and night—I crossed the 25% mark this morning. I hope to beat my deadline by weeks rather than days so that I’ll have ample time to perfect it. I wrote the first pass at a brief introduction last night, along with a sidebar, and then started Chapter 5, which is about 50% complete as of this morning. I intend to do a lot of work on it this weekend.

I haven’t decided whether I’m going to watch 24 this year. Last season, the first I’ve watched it, didn’t impress me all that much, but from what I’ve read it was a generally weak season compared to the others. It will be easy for me to say that I can’t manage it right now with this impending deadline, but nothing’s stopping me from recording it to watch later.

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