Without a trace of Romeo

Easter LilyI decided to give myself a morning off from writing. I do that every now and then, especially after I’ve completed a project. With the short story written, revised, edited, submitted and re-revised, I figure it was a job well done. The funny thing, though, is that getting an extra 90 minutes of sleep made it harder for me to wake up, for some odd reason. At 5 a.m. I’m usually up and alert in seconds. At 6:30 a.m. it took considerably longer.

Our Easter lilies missed the memo about when the holiday was this year. The tallest one decided to flower over the course of the past week, and there are others in the shadows of our azalea bushes that are still waiting in the wings. When we planted the flowers, we had no idea that they would keep coming back, year in and year out, without us having to do anything to them, nor that they were actually capable of multiplying.

Last night’s NCIS, the end of a two-parter, felt like a setup for a spin-off show featuring the Los Angeles wing of the organization. It also feels like they’re setting us up to lose Ziva, though I’m not sure that’s the direction they’re headed. When they got rid of Kate it was with a shot to the head that no one saw coming.

Last night’s Without a Trace had the most ludicrous ending I’ve seen on a TV show in recent years. The subject of the case swallowed poison moments before the FBI arrived on the scene, and all they did was check her pulse. No efforts whatsoever to resuscitate her, pump her stomach, CPR — nothin’. Then the camera pulled back and they did this spacey thing with the two corpses in their marriage bed and panned away to a gleaming star in the sky. Hokey? You betcha. Painfully hokey. The episode was sort of a reverse riff on Romeo and Juliet, except Romeo was already dead at the beginning of the story. Chinatown Side Story, after a fashion. It was okay right up until the end, but boy did it get terrible in a hurry.

Breaking Bad always manages to keep me guessing. Just when it seems like Walt is toast, he goes into remission, coughing up blood all the way. And just when it seems like they’re getting ahead of the game financially, something comes along and sucks it all away and they’re almost back where they started. You’d think that by now he would have given up this enterprise as a loser’s game, but he’s still plugging away at it.

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