It is coming

Torchwood and the Doctor The long awaited return of Torchwood is nearly here. The five-part miniseries event “Children of the Earth” will air in the UK starting on Saturday, July 4. BBC America will start it on July 20th. See a trailer here, along with a teaser for the November episode of Doctor Who, “Waters of Mars.”

Goran got to exorcise his religious demons in last night’s episode of Law & Order: Criminal Intent. Quoting chapter and verse, he was able to batter the religious zealot into submission, presumably while Eames was outside fetching coffee or something.

I watched a two-part episode of House yesterday that I’d never seen before, the one with the cop who starts laughing during an arrest and leads to he and Foreman in isolation together. The end of the second part hints that Foreman may have suffered some neurological damage, but apparently that thread was dropped, because I’ve seen the next episode in sequence, and there’s no mention of the left/right confusion he exhibited at the end.

I’m still reading and enjoying A Twisted Ladder, the upcoming novel by Rhodi Hawk. Didn’t have much time to read yesterday, but I hope to get back to it soon. I finished revising my Cemetery Dance column for #63, due on Friday, but I’ll probably take another run at it before I submit it.

Still no rain in sight—the seven-day forecast is hot, hot and hotter (perhaps our first > 100° day on the horizon). Water restrictions have been implemented, which means you can only water your lawn 1″ per week on assigned days. It’s voluntary now, but if the water supplies drop, it will be come mandatory, with attendant fines for violations.

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