Free Agent

rewritesOf course, now that I have a Kindle, Amazon goes and lowers the price by $60.

I wrote the first draft of my Storytellers Unplugged essay this morning, 1000 cathartic words. My wife thought it was great, and I hope it stirs up some interesting discussion. Look for it on July 17th. It’s called “Apparently I Write Like a Girl.” If you’ve been following along at home for the past couple of days, you’ll have a good idea what it’s about.

I spent an hour on the phone  yesterday talking with my agent about the novel under consideration while I scribbled notes madly all over a sheet of paper. We came up with some interesting modifications to the plot that help get around fundamental issues he had with the book, and, more importantly, a plan of attack for the revision process. With my previous novel, I tended to work for long stretches of time and then show him what I’d done, which necessitated long waits while he perused hundreds of pages. This time we’re going to get the first chapter nailed down. Treat it like a standalone short story so that the voice and the timing and the style are in place, which will give me a solid foundation to build from. I’m looking forward to it. Now I just have to get my desk clear of other obligations so I can focus my attention on it. I always come away from these discussions with him feeling energized and revitalized. He’s such a smart guy and generous with his time and insight.

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