Big Brother: Cancelled!

1984, anyone?Two els in that word to denote the British spelling, since it is the British series I’m talking about. The original has apparently run its course and come to a natural end and won’t be renewed. I’ve never seen any episodes of the UK version of the show.

The American version is winding down. Looks like Russel gets to go spend some quality time with Jessie and Lydia tonight. Can’t see the vote going any other way. Kevin won’t vote for Natalie and Jordan seems to like Natalie, so that’s it. Michelle’s vote doesn’t really matter. However, what happens after that is the big question. There are a lot of scenarios where Jeff ends up with a big target on his back. Jordan’s still flying under the radar, but if Jeff gets nominated and then wins POV, she could be in trouble. I’m still rooting for her to win, though.

This has been one of those dark, gloomy days when it threatens to rain constantly but probably won’t. We had about 30 drops of rain during breakfast and it has since gotten even darker and gloomier, but so far, nada.

Another reason to like the current president: his reading list for his vacation includes the latest novel by crime writer George Pelecanos. I have that book on my Kindle but haven’t gotten around to it yet. I’ve read most of his books and his Nick Stefanos books are among my favorites. I’m about 97% of the way through The Girl Who Played With Fire and the author played one of those dirty tricks that you have to forgive him for near the end, but I still don’t like it. However, he came up with an otherwise interesting and intricate plot, so I guess I’ll let him off the hook.

This morning I only wrote about 500 words, but they are 500 new words added to the front of an old short story. I think I’ll end up dismantling a lot of the previously existing story, cannibalizing parts of it here and there, but in the end it will become something unlike the way I originally envisioned the tale. If it ever gets published it will have an interesting pedigree. It was originally written as a response to one of six photographs posted as the prompts for a short story contest where every submission had to be exactly 1000 words. I can’t even remember what magazine sponsored the contest, though I imagine I could track it down in my submission logs if I really wanted to. It was then revamped into a 2000 word story and will probably wind up as a 3000-word story after this round of revisions, which isn’t the direction my stories tend to go in. My most recent intensive reconstruction of a story took one from 6200 words down to 3500, for example.

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