Off the grid

On the BeachTonight’s the night that Jeff or Jordan end up getting an all-expenses paid trip to the jury house on Big Brother. I don’t know which way it goes, but hope the survivor wins HoH. That tends to happen a lot on this show, which makes me think that the producers manipulate events more than they are willing to admit. It’s already the most scripted reality show in existence. I mean, do we really need to hear them recite the same speeches each week at each POV or nomination or elimination ceremony? Anyhow, it’s getting down to the wire. The POV wields a lot of power in the next week. Should be interesting.

I put up a poll on my message board where you can register your desire to buy a signed copy of The Stephen King Illustrated Companion from me. I haven’t yet confirmed that I’ll be able to get enough copies to fill demand, but I’ll give it a shot once I have a better idea of the numbers.

I’m going off the grid for the next few days. Putting away the cell phone and the computer completely and spending a relaxing long weekend soaking in the…rain. Or, rather, getting soaked by it, if the forecasts are to believed. Doesn’t really matter. Rain or sun, it will be relaxing. Catch y’all on the flip side of Labor Day.

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