9 Dragons

Fragrant HarbourSo, for the first time, Russell had to make a compromise on Survivor. Jaison was adamant about who he wanted to go home and Russell had no case to make against the woman he wanted ousted that could counter that. Of course, that means that Jaison poses a threat to Russell, so it will be interesting to see how his focus changes. There have been other seasons where the have/have not schism was more pronounced, but boy that team is dwindling fast.

I finished 9 Dragons by Michael Connelly last night. Despite its exotic setting, I thought it was a by-the-numbers Bosch book that relied, in the final analysis, too much on a coincidental juxtaposition of events. The only one I can mention without revealing too much is the fact that his daughter happened to be living in Hong Kong when the triads posed a threat against him. The solution to the shooting was a surprise, but about the only thing the book really had going for it.

Not sure what I’m going to read next. My wife and I are working our way through the No. Ladies Detective Agency books, too. We’re up to the one where Mma Ramotswe finds someone hiding under her bed.

We had a big rainstorm through the night. The thunder and deluge woke me up briefly at around 2:30 a.m. Took a lot of the humidity out of the air today, but it’s supposed to come back again tomorrow.

Watching Flash Forward and Fringe back-to-back may not be the wisest thing to do. I like how on FF characters are, for the most part, not keeping secrets from each other. The only big one I know about is the agent who hasn’t told his wife that he was off the wagon in his vision. She held nothing back, which is a big contrast to Lost, for example, where everyone lies. The exploding person case on Fringe takes the story in an interesting direction, as we learn more about the observer(s). Enough to make them more ominous than ever before. Peter is really stepping up to take the lead this season instead of being convinced to play along, as he was last season. The bit with the hamburger and the cow was pretty funny, and Astrid gets off a zinger every now and then, too.

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