Cool as a cucumber

Lookee here!It’s unseasonably warm today. It was in the high seventies when we went to breakfast this morning and it’s over eighty, now, although it’s also raining. The snow that fell in Colorado is headed our way in the form of heavy rain, adding to our already soggy October.

I watched Law & Order: SVU last night, the only original program running against the World Series. One of the better episodes of the season, although that’s faint praise. They always have to degenerate to this stunned look of disbelief among the primaries in the closing moments. I liked Elliot’s “No, I’m fine” response to the FBI agent who asked “Do you need a drive home,” aiming the question at Olivia.

Didn’t get any new writing done this morning as I was bogged down in research for the next scene. I felt like I didn’t really get anywhere because of a zero word count, but it’s all work toward the final goal. I also wrote up a little article about the Companion for the company newsletter.

I did watch a little bit of the World Series game last night. I got a huge kick out of Cliff Lee’s nonchalant catch of Johnny Damon’s popup. Shrug. No big deal. It was a priceless moment. Vaguely happy that the Phillies won the game, too, though I don’t really have any investment in either team.

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