There are no cows in space

Didn't you wear that five years ago?I’m getting back to the novel after being distracted by other things. I did another intensive pass through Chapter 1 this morning, taking my agent’s comments into consideration, and now I’m ready to charge forward with Chapter 2. At this rate, I should be done in a year! I hope to pick up the pace considerably.

I finalized a grant application  last night. A big crap shoot, only slightly more probable than winning the lottery, but nothing ventured, nothing granted.

We’re within 2″ of getting back on track for our annual rainfall. Statistics — love ’em!

Currently reading: The Complaints by Ian Rankin. It’s his new crime novel, the one that doesn’t feature Inspector Rebus. The title refers to the name of the police division that is the British analog to Internal Affairs. The cops who police the cops.

Okay, geeky moment on Castle this week in the opening moments when Nathan Fillion appears in his Captain Mal gear, complete with guitar allusions to Firefly in the soundtrack. His daughter shoots him down. After he says he’s dressed like a space cowboy she responds: “First, there are no cows in space. And second: didn’t you wear that five years ago?” Though filled with the usual tropes of a Halloween episode of a crime show (vampires and werewolves, oh my), the mystery was as satisfying as always. This show has legs, in my opinion. “I’m giving you the bird,” Castle says have he gets punk’d by Beckett, handing over his Edgar Allan Poe raven prop.

When Deb reached for the bottle of pain killers on Dexter this week I thought: oh, no. Another show about a character getting addicted to Vicodin. I should have known better. Instead, they went in exactly the opposite direction with it. Is it just me, or does the guy who plays the Captain (??) look an awful lot like the guy who plays Harry Morgan? I liked Dexter’s “confession” to Deb. The ending was quite a surprise, too. Strong season thus far.

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