Vantage Point

I had a lazy weekend. Watched way too much television and accomplished little of substance. Vantage Point was on one of our free movie channels so I decided to watch it, because the idea had intrigued me at the time. In fact, it’s an interesting premise but poorly executed in this case. The same scene is played out multiple times from the perspective of different characters, so that each time through we learn a little bit more about what’s happening. However, I think the failure in the concept is that the individual perspectives on events are all essentially the same. There are no unreliable witnesses, no faulty memories, no skewed perceptions. So the movie boils down to about 20 minutes of plot and a few twists. The linear story itself is moderately unremarkable, but it has some surprises. Unfortunately, there is little real screen time available to explore the source of these surprises and one character in particular is left as a gaping enigma. We never get to find out his motives. Not a terrible movie. It has some genuinely tense moments. But on the whole I would consider it a failed experiment.

I stumbled across The Rocky Horror Picture Show playing on Fuse so I decided to leave it on while I worked on other things. I don’t think I’ve ever heard the historian’s dialog before. Any time I’ve seen the film in theaters–and it’s been a loooong time–he is drowned out by the audience shouting “Boring!” Tim Curry really is very good in this film. He does a lot with eyebrow twitches and the shape of his mouth.

I found another potential market for my 10,000 word novelette, so I got it back into circulation this weekend. Probably my most significant accomplishment of the weekend. I really was lazy. It felt good!

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