Deep Freeze

It felt good to be back at the keyboard this morning. This was my first day of normal writing sessions of the new year — my first since before Christmas, in fact. I’m still working on revisions to a 6000-word story and I managed to get through six pages this morning. I hope to trim at least 300 words during this pass and then do one more clean-up pass before running it past the editor again.

Here’s the book trailer for the forthcoming anthology Evolve, which contains my story “A Murder of Vampires.”

This weather is good business for the home supply stores. They are selling out of insulation for pipes. Starting tomorrow night we’re supposed to dip down well below freezing for three consecutive nights. We also have a slight chance of snow or sleet for tomorrow morning.

An idle week for television. NCIS was new last night, with geeky McGee going bananas over jet packs. The jousting between Gibbs and the lawyer was fun. I also watched “Allons-y,” the Doctor Who Confidential episode that accompanies part 2 of The End of Time. It’s clear that filming was an emotional process for all involved, especially for Tennant who got choked up when the crew called him back under false pretenses after his last shot for a “golden wrap” moment. I was also intrigued to learn that the first time Russell T. Davies met Matt Smith was on the day that he showed up to film his part of the regeneration scene. The previous Confidential showed how tedious it was to film the Master scenes where Simm is everyone. He had to do about 24 wardrobe changes over a 4-hour period just to do the press conference scene where he is every journalist in the room (and everyone else, too).

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