All my best ideas

My interview with the Woodlands Villager, the community newspaper, made the front page. Not too shabby.

One of these days I’m going to figure out how to take notes while I’m in the shower. Some of my absolute best ideas have come to me there. I’ve usually just finished with my morning writing session and I guess my brain is still working. I know a waterproof computer is too much to ask for. Maybe some sort of dry erase board? I don’t know how many times I’ve had to stagger out of the stall, find a scrap of paper and a pen and scratch something down. Happened to me again this morning.

I started Black Hills by Dan Simmons last night. Only got a couple of chapters in, but it’s intriguing so far. Starts with a Native American being possessed by the ghost of a dead white soldier and then jumps ahead to the construction of the sculptures at Mt. Rushmore.

I’m not sure I buy the romance between Gibbs and the omnipresent attorney this season on NCIS. It seems forced. She’s always in his face, he always arranges to be alone with her whenever they want to talk, but I don’t sense a spark.

So, is Ray Romano’s character on Men of a Certain Age going to give up his party store and go on the senior circuit playing golf? I doubt it, but that might make things interesting. I’m starting to agree with Kelly Laymon that Scott Bakula’s character is the weak link of the show. Guy needs to grow up.

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