Just in time for spring — more cold weather

There hasn’t been all that much to blog about lately. We went out to an Irish pub on Wednesday evening for a couple of beers to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. A Guinness rep was there handing out trinkets and free beers.

Last night I watched the return of Flashforward. It’s an interesting enough show, but I feel disconnected from it. I couldn’t tell you any of the characters’ names, for example. I think Dominic Monaghan’s character is emerging as one of the most interesting. He doesn’t respond to bluffs or bluster, that’s for sure, and his actions during the first blackout and at the end of last night’s episode were surprising to say the least. I’m sticking with the show, but I find myself doing other things while it’s on, too, like working the jigsaw or browsing through a book. It’s not at all like Lost, where I barely look away from the screen the whole time it’s on.

We’ve had some nice warm weather for the past week or so. Cool in the evenings, but not as cold as it’s supposed to be this weekend, dropping back into the 30s.

I’m slowly getting everything lined up for World Horror next week. Weeks of build-up and I’m afraid the whole thing will be over in a flash.

I like receiving submission guidelines that allow me to dig out a story that’s been lying fallow for a while. That happened today. I have this 5000 word caper that I wrote on spec a few years ago that I could never figure out what to do with. A set of interesting guidelines landed in my INBOX today that suit it just about perfectly. I’ll have to reread it, of course, and maybe tinker with it a little, but not much. Of course, I also received two rejection letters this week. One claimed (via a checklist) that, though the story was well written, it wasn’t atmospheric enough.

Have to take my car in for its 25,000 mile overhaul tomorrow. Not bad for a 5-year old vehicle, though. I fill the tank with gas once a month, whether it needs it or not.

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