Only in Canada, eh?

What did they expect? There’s an article on the CBC website today about an Air Canada flight from Vancouver to Montreal that was delayed a couple of weeks ago. Not necessarily big news. The reason for the delay? Technical problems? Nope. Weather? Nope. Crew delay? Nope. The passengers refused to get on board the plane. The gold medal Olympic hockey was still playing in the departure lounge! Travelers ignored the boarding instructions from the airline staff, though the article did not say how long this went on.

I received the page proofs of Best New Zombie Tales Volume 1 overnight. This morning I reread my story and found a few glitches, one of which was pretty bad — my first person narrator changes names! His name is only mentioned twice, on the first page and near the end, but it’s not the same. Geez. I must have been asleep at the switch that day. I’ll probably read it through a couple of more times before giving it my blessing.

In other writing news, I received my first ever paycheck for a poem, so I guess I can now claim to be a professional poet (hah!), and I turned in my review of Black Hills to Dead Reckonings. There’s no guarantee it’ll make the issue, though. I suggested it to the editors when it seemed like they might not be able to get review copies of all the works they had slated for the issue, so it’ll only go in if there’s room. (Actually, I just now, as I was writing this paragraph, received a message from ST Joshi saying that he was sure they would want to run it. Yay!

Here’s another interesting mirror event from Lost that someone else pointed out to me. On and off the island, Ben opens gas cannisters in his father’s presence, but with much different results!

Didn’t NCIS do the “guy has two wives” story once before? Seems to me they did. Good Ducky subplot which grew to the extent that the actual murder story sort of petered out at the end. New suspect, funny scene at his car, snag  him, instant confession. Criminal Minds was off its game this week, I thought.  Everyone seemed sort of bored. Or maybe it was just me that was bored. I was working on a jigsaw puzzle and it didn’t hold my attention.

Survivor tonight: Russell vs. Boston Rob and another injured player.

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