#51: Sometimes You’re Wrong

Interesting season finale to NCIS last night, with Papa Walton, I mean Papa Gibbs at risk. I think I see how it will conclude. After all, if there’s an armed guard in Abby’s lab then Gibbs probably has someone (possibly Ziva) hanging out in the country store. It was interesting to see another part of Gibbs’s house and to watch him going through his “list” of rules. Someone said that he should write these things down, and apparently he does.

Breaking Bad was excessively weird this week. The first half of the episode reminded me of a coyote vs. roadrunner sketch, with Walt obsessed by the fly. Even stoner Jesse thought Walt was a little off. “You didn’t happen to try our product, did you?” And then dosing his coffee with sleeping powder. Walt’s tumble from the catwalk looked very painful–I was surprised to see him up and about at all the next day. Two things about the episode made me nervous: Jesse on the top rung of the stepladder with a dopey Walt sort of holding it in place, and Walt rambling on about Jane’s death. He kept getting closer and closer to saying too much, and wouldn’t that have been a disaster? Jesse’s story about his aunt was good, too. Line of the evening: “When did he become O-possum? Makes it sound like he’s Irish.”

I hear rumors that they’re doing a prequel to the Planet of the Apes called Rise of the Apes. I wasn’t a huge fan of the Tim Burton remake, but I’ll be interested to see how this one develops. Since it’s set in a more or less contemporary San Francisco, it sounds like it might be derived from Conquest of the Planet of the Apes. Filming takes place this summer in British Columbia. “British director Rupert Wyatt will helm the film from a script penned by Amanda Silver and Rick Jaffa.” Unfortunately, the apes are going to be computer generated, and there seems to be an element of genetic engineering in the storyline. Hmmm.

Law & Order almost went out with a bang, with a bomb-related plot, but the fund-raiser at the end, coupled with Van Buren’s good news, made for a decent series finale, even though they didn’t know that’s what it was going to be when they filmed it.

Doctor Who did it’s version of Under the Dome last weekend, bringing back the Silurians as the villains of the week. Amy’s disappearance clearly put the Doctor off his game, based on the way he let the little boy wander off in the midst of a crisis. I wonder if the engagement ring that Rory put in the TARDIS’s console will gum up the works at some point. Funny line of the episode: “Don’t diss the sonic.” I also liked the idea of “defending the universe with meals on wheels.” I have a suspicion that some of the human characters are going to cause trouble, possibly with weapons. I would dearly love to know how to pronounce Cwmtaff, though. Spot a vowel or two, at least.

Ashes to Ashes had a metaphysical ending, too. Running just a few days before the Lost finale, it made me wonder if there wasn’t something in the air. Half of Lost is about a purgatory-like place where people have to learn to let go, and all of Ashes to Ashes and Life on Mars has been, it turns out, about a purgatory-like place where people have to learn to let go and move on. In the former, moving on meant allowing the light to wash over them. In the latter, being a British series, it involved going into a pub. I liked that Jim was revealed to be something akin to Satan, if not exactly Satan. Shame about the Quattro, though. It took a helluva going over.

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