The Grand Illusion

If you want to check out Sarah Mclachlan’s new album, Laws of Illusion, before buying it, you can listen to the whole thing for free at today.  Also Tom Petty’s Mojo, and a number of other albums.

I found out via Tim Lebbon’s Facebook post that Crowded House has a new album, Intriguer. It’s already available in the UK but won’t be released in the US until July 13. I’ve been a big fan of theirs since the beginning. I remember when Split Enz released True Colors, which was notable because of some great songs but also because the LP was laser-etched to create cool colors when you held it up to the light.

Another discovery: thanks to Lee Thomas’s LiveJournal post, I learned that ApolloCon is in Houston at the end of the month. Not only in Houston, but near the airport, which means it’s only about 25 miles away. I think I’ll check it out on the Saturday.

I was drawing a blank when it came to my monthly Storytellers Unplugged post, which is due tomorrow. Couldn’t even think of where to start for a topic. I thought that for the first time since the blog’s inception I might miss a month. Then, yesterday morning, out of the blue, a topic came to me that fit in with what I’m working on at present. I love it when a bolt of inspiration strikes like that. Check out “What a Tangled Web We Weave” tomorrow.

Law & Order: Criminal Intent really isn’t quite the same without Goran and Eames. Goldblum and Burrows are doing fine, and last night’s episode was decent, but I still miss D’Onofrio’s quirkiness.

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