Death by PowerPoint

Tomorrow morning, I’m packing up my laptop, a powerpoint with enough slides to choke a camel, and a box of books to be used as props. Heading south across Houston to Sugar Land, which always makes me think of Candyland but, no, not quite like that. I’m presenting a seminar titled Skills Learned on the Path to Publication at the Sugar Land Library from 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. I understand there are still some open seats, but at last count something like 40 people have indicated their willingness to get out of bed on a Saturday morning to come listen to me. I hope they’re a talkative bunch. Two and a half hours? If I play the slides fast enough, maybe they can turn into a movie and we’ll be out of there by noon.

My Storytellers Unplugged essay “Gap Year(s)” also goes up tomorrow morning. It deals with the lost decade when I didn’t write. At all. Not even letters or grocery store lists.

Second batch of physical therapy treatment this morning. Another 15 minutes hooked up to the electrodes followed by ten minutes of stretching followed by something new. A technique called “spine mobilization” which basically consisted of the therapist pushing rhythmically up and down my spine. Interesting. I’m definitely becoming more aware of my sitting posture. This lumbar roll they gave me to put at my back when sitting at a desk isn’t all that comfortable, but it makes me aware that I’m slumping.

Burn Notice was pretty good this week. It’s starting to look like the new guy is going to stick around. The torture plot got less attention than I thought it would, but it resolved well. I really liked the “help a friend” plot, which featured the actor who played Charles Widmore on Lost. I was sure the real culprit was going to be his head of security so, like Fiona, I did not see that coming. Well played.

So, Big Brother’s surprise twist for the season turned into a fizzle. The “saboteur” was the first person evicted, and the house guests don’t even know it yet. They just kicked her out because she was playing too hard and was too brash. The editors did a good job of making it seem like she might have won over enough people to survive, but then the vote was 10-0. The contestants are starting to come into focus a little better. Britney, who seemed okay at the beginning, is turning into a big bitch. Her message to Annie was just tacky. I still wonder if the saboteur’s comment about two house guests knowing each other from before is true or not. Britney and Kathy could easily be daughter and mother.

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