Shivers Me Timbers

Cemetery Dance officially announced Shivers VI today (after a pre-announcement directed at long-time clients yesterday). The anthology contains my story “It is the Tale,” as well as stories by many names you’ll recognize: Brian Keene, for example. Kealan Patrick Burke, Norman Prentiss, David B. Silva, Melanie Tem, Al Sarrantonio, Nate Southard, Brian Freeman, Scott Nicholson. See the link for more.

Oh, yeah, and Stephen King and Peter Straub. King’s contribution is a reprint of “The Crate,” first published in Gallery and in a couple of early 1980s anthologies before being adapted as one of the sections of Creepshow, the one starring Adrian Barbeau, Hal Holbrook and a tribble with teeth and claws. Peter’s contribution is “A Special Place,” an excised part of A Dark Matter that was previously published in limited edition.

A pleasant surprise, to say the least. This is my third Shivers appearance. I seem to have a lock on the even numbers.

The humidity is down considerably today, which makes it feel a lot cooler even though it is still in the nineties.

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