Hard Freeze

With my most urgent deadline met, I spent the morning writing session today catching up on email. I’m one of the judges of a fiction contest this year, so there was correspondence pertaining to that that needed my attention, plus a bunch of other things that were accumulating in my INBOX. Happiness is an empty INBOX.

I have three short stories on my to-do list over the next several months. Awaiting inspiration. I have an idea for one of them, but I’m not ready to start writing it yet.

I was so eager to read Graham Joyce’s The Silent Land that I couldn’t wait until the end of March and I ordered a copy from overseas. Then I saw the offer of an ARC on Amazon Vine and got that, too. The ARC arrived first, so I have the spare hardcover copy listed on eBay, currently at the listing price of $4.99. I’m almost halfway through and loving every word of it.

Last night was TV wasteland. I watched the second Law & Order: SVU episode from last week, and it was pretty dismal. Worked on a jigsaw puzzle and started a couple of book reviews. New NCIS tonight, plus I’ll catch up on the finale of Men of a Certain Age.

We’re going to get the first hard freeze of the winter tonight. It will go down to the mid-to-low twenties overnight. Of course, by Saturday it will be back up to the sixties. That’s the kind of winter it’s been.

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