Femme fatale

Got tangled up with paperwork this morning, so I didn’t get back to the novella yet again. Tomorrow, I promise (myself).

After several days with the A/C activated and actually having it run a few times, we had to turn the heat back on again last night because the temperatures dipped into the low forties. A cold front came through in the afternoon and it was supposed to bring some rain but I think we managed about 13 drops all day. Gonna have to water the poor, thirsty lawn, I think. We’re about 40% behind on rain year-to-date.

This week’s episode of The Event felt like one where all the pieces were being moved into position. After the wholesale slaughter of the previous week (I think the two sides scored about equally in the body count from the falling monument and the exploding buses), it was time to regroup. The third bus ended up on Wisteria Lane (or something that looked very much like it). Simon, after realizing that he was compromised at the White House, tried to build a mini-resistance but that didn’t go so well. Simon’s escape reveals to viewers that there’s someone else inside the White House helping out. Are we meant to believe it’s the president’s wife? Too obvious? At least he turned the new senator from Alaska into an ally.

Meanwhile, over in France, Dempsey is smashing relics and reading ancient manuscripts. Turns out he’s sort of like the Seneschal from The Da Vinci Code, the latest in a long line of people preparing against alien attacks. It’s really been hard to figure out who is on which side as this show progresses. Dempsey looks like a bad guy, but maybe he’s a good guy? Albeit a murderer who experiments on children? I thought he was trying to create a fountain of youth. Maybe he is. Who knows? You always know that when someone says “kill her” and that person ties the would-be murder victim up and sets a fire and leaves without making sure the job is done that the person (Vicky in this case) is going to survive. How TV-Batman. I guess Sean has been watching Justified, learning torture techniques from Mags Bennett. Alas, we have to wait two weeks for the next episode.

A fun, light episode of Castle with a good twist ending. It only seemed like Rick was going to make a joke about the murder victim (Gordon Burns was found in an oven. So, yes, Gordon burns.) but in fact he knew the guy as a reporter and a writer. The background for the episode was a pizza war among four rivals, all of whom called themselves Nick with various superlatives attached. The guy who was mobbed up was a relatively familiar actor, so I figured he was the one to keep an eye on. And Wendy from C.S.I? You know she’s more than just the old girlfriend. Still, I never figured her for the femme fatale, though I did, for a moment, entertain the thought that the assault in her apartment was a little hinky.

So, not only did Castle have a lot of imaginary friends as a kid, he still does. And he’s jealous of Beckett’s nifty NYPD app—so much so that he petulantly refuses to let her play with his Angry Birds app. Lots of literary allusions this week, from Moby Dick to any number of noir crime films. Decent B story with Alexis and her teenage travails. Winner, winner, pizza dinner, and all is well with the world. Line of the week: Ryan, saying to Castle, “Did someone find naked pictures of you again?”

Watched the special episode of Body of Proof that was on Sunday night after Desperate Housewives. A cagey scheme, since Dana Delaney used to be on that show, to try to boost the new one with the audience from her previous show. My DVR was smart enough to record it, which surprised me. Ain’t technology grand. I was astonished to discover that I can rewind live television! If I turn on the TV and a show is already on, I can rewind it even if I haven’t been recording it. What’ll they think of next? Anyway, the second episode of this show didn’t do much to distinguish itself. I notice that it’s a brighter show than most lab procedurals. C.S.I. is blue and dark for the most part, but there’s plenty of light in Body of Proof. Even indoors. The ending of this one was terribly lame, though. I didn’t buy the story at all.

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