Sisterhood of the traveling House

Added another 600 words this morning, part of which was revision to earlier text to put in something that I had overlooked. I want to get this done by the end of the month because I have a couple of other projects I need to get started and I also have to read a few dozen short stories for a contest that I am helping judge. I’m not going to get much work done on the next couple of weekends, either. One of those times when I wished I had all the hours of the day to work.

I ordered 10 copies of The Stephen King Illustrated Companion from the publisher so I’d have them for the mass book signing at World Horror at the end of the month. They arrived yesterday. How would you subdivide 10 books if you had to ship them? They came in three boxes. One contained 5 copies, one contained 4 copies and one box (the same size as the other two) had a single copy in it. Weird!

I’d heard a few weeks ago that Masters’ time on House was coming to an end and the previews for last night’s episode seemed to indicate a crisis for her and that was, indeed, the case. She became surplus to requirements with the return of Thirteen (who had one of those rare moments this week when she got to pronounce her real name in its entirety). House boxed her into a few ethical corners to see if she would break, and she did. She found a way around his first slippery slope directive but she took matters into her own hands at the end when someone’s life was at risk, but she didn’t like the way she felt afterward so she decided not to sign up with House any longer. The patient of the week was the McGuffin. I have no idea what the thing with the chickens and the setter was all about.

So, do we believe the president’s wife (on The Event) when she says the big secret she’s keeping is the fact that her parents are aliens, but of the illegal variety rather than the extraterrestrial sort. Her anguish as she spilled out the story seemed real, but afterward she looked troubled. Since the president didn’t look in the file, who knows what damning information it might contain. And he might not get a second chance because his head is on the chopping block. The Vice President is colluding with Sophia to kill him. He thinks its so that Sophia’s people will spare the US (though he secretly wants to do it because he’s been frozen out of everything due to his earlier actions) but Sophia really wants to put the country into turmoil so they can carry out their nefarious plan. Hopefully Jarvis picked the day Martinez decided to give up sugar.

That was one nasty looking gash Leila gave herself with the bread knife. Not nearly as bad as the wound Dempsey inflicted upon himself later in the episode. Whoa—I did not see that coming. I wonder how many retakes Sean asked for in the scene where he had to perform CPR on Vicky.

No Castle this week so I settled for Law & Order: Los Angeles, which I’d previously decided to drop. Not a terrible episode. Not great, but better than the previous two.

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