My kingdom for a title

Waiting for the service tech from AT&T to call to say he’s on the way to the house to figure out why our new phone line doesn’t work. At first, it only wouldn’t ring (or roll over to voice mail). After some online testing, it stopped having a dial tone and outgoing calls wouldn’t work either. Hopefully it’s a simple fix. Loose wire somewhere.

I had a nice introductory chat with my new editor from New York this morning. Still can’t say what the project is about, but it should be a lot of fun. It’s certain to take up most of my free time over the next half dozen months or so.

I can’t remember the last time I had so much trouble coming up with a title for a short story. This particular market has a very specific rule about the composition of the title that makes it more complicated than usual. A bunch of different titles suggest themselves to me, but none of them fit the rule.

I made my first editing pass through the story this morning and whittled it down from 4100 words to 3900. I’m still not entirely happy with the flow of the last page, but other than that I’m content. That’s not to say that I won’t edit the crap out of it over the long weekend—I will. No two ways about it.

Caught up on some DVR’d shows last night: Law & Order: Los Angeles and Covert Affairs. I find it hard to fathom that they were going to just dump all the episodes with Skeet Ulrich if they’d been renewed. There seem to be a lot of them. I think there’s still one more to go. I didn’t buy Jaruszalski’s infatuation with the porn star in this week’s episode. The whole thing felt like it had been written by someone unfamiliar with the characters. Is Auggie going to get transferred out of Covert Affairs? Or is this just a way to make room for a new suspicious character to get brought in for a week?

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