Oh, say can you see

Here’s what the weather forecast looks like for the next four days: 101°/76° |  101°/76° | 101°/74° | 101°/74°. Chance of rain: 0%. We are now 15″ behind on annual rainfall to date.

When you boil hockey down to the basics, it’s all about putting the puck in the other guy’s net and keeping it out of your own. Vancouver didn’t do that. Boston did. Congratulations to the Bruins for a strong series and for taking the big trophy back home. Shame on Vancouverites for acting like cavemen (sorry Geico guys) afterwards. Though there was one cool photo on the CBC site of a couple lying on the ground in the middle of the street kissing, surrounded by rioters and riot police. Make love not war, I would have captioned it.

Look for my latest essay at Storytellers Unplugged tomorrow.

I posted my review of Robopocalypse at Onyx Reviews today. Though I enjoyed reading it, I found it somewhat slight and superficial, so my review is pretty critical, I’m afraid. Next up: The Five by Robert McCammon.

Instead of subjecting myself to hypertension (by watching the hockey game), we watched three more episodes of Six Feet Under last night. On House they have a patient of the week, whereas this show has the corpse of the week, and the deceased seems to have a message for one of the Fisher brothers or both. I’m finding certain things a tad predictable. I knew the cat was going to knock over the curling machine long before it happened. When the guy got into the industrial blender, well, you just knew how that was going to end. And I knew that Mr. Jones’s wife was going to be dead in bed and, later, that he was going to be dead in the funeral parlor. Still, we’re liking the show well enough. I could do without the shrill divorcée who has designs on David, and Brenda’s family would send me running for the hills, screaming. I like how seriously they are taking the mother’s grief and need to find a new life as a widow, and Claire is an interesting, quirky character with an emotive face. Got a big kick out of seeing the normally staid Sandra Oh (Christina from Grey’s Anatomy) as a fledgling porn star. Interesting, too, how Nathan is learning more about his father in death than he ever knew in life.

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